Chapter 23

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*Morgan's pov*

It's been an interesting couple months I competed here and there but they wanted focus on me and Jon against Colby and the against my parents..tonight was the night after Summerslam we were also in Vegas...Jon was to attack Colby and they would end up in a falls count anywhere match that Colby would end up winning and Jon would end up injured so he could leave and film Lockdown...I would make an appearance on Raw to confront the authority then I would leave and Jackson and I would join Jon in Vancouver...with Jackson with my mom right now I sat watching Jon tape his hands.."This is gonna suck.."

Dean turned looking at me "Don't worry baby it'll all be okay."

I nodded "I know I just don't like the idea that I'm gonna have to watch you get curb stomped into a pile of cinder blocks."

He stopped putting his hands on either side of me "I'll be okay I get time to be with you and Jack...granted I'll be filming."

I ran my hands along his shoulders letting them rest on his neck "Only perk in all this."

Dean pressed a light kiss to my lips "I love you."

I smiled softly "I love you too."

He pulled me closer "I must say you look hot in my shirt.."

I shook my head slightly wardrobe had provided me with a v-neck version of the Unstable shirt "Shut up."

Dean leaned down pressing his lips to mine he brushed his thumb across my cheek "You and me baby."

I smiled "Always.."

He smiled "Let's do this."

I sighed as we stood outside the curtains waiting to go on...I held onto Jon's hand but turned my head as I felt Colby's hand on my shoulder "Hey."

Seth sighed "Just so you know I don't like this storyline either bashing my best friend's head through bricks isn't my idea of fun."

I nodded "I don't think any of us like was against it but what my grandfather wants he's a good storyline just not thrilled about it being my husband fake or not."

Dean kissed the back of my hand "We gotta go..."

Seth have me a slight smile as Jon's music hit...

I took a deep breath as we walked out...the match had me on edge the nervousness on my face was real...I stayed close to the ring my eyes eyes staying on Jon...anger formed on my face as Kane came out and sat by the announcers table...just when Jon got the upper hand and seems to finally get a win over Colby Kane pulled him out of the ring...then it all went to hell...after Colby his after curb stomp off the announce table I watched in horror as Kane lifted a table to reveal the stack of cinder blocks and set him up for yet another curb stomped...I let out a yell as Colby hit the move driving Jon's head into the bricks "No!"

Jerry spoke through his headset "Seth has gone to far this time...just the look of horror on Morgan's face is could he do this go his former brother or to the girl he claimed to care so much about.."

I stood back as the ringside medic be can working on scripted I glared towards Colby as he walked off with Kane...after Jon was loaded up on the stretcher I held onto his hand as we made our way backstage...after it was all said and done we left for the night with Jackson..of course Jon had a minor concussion as expected so we layed in our own bed talking while Jackson slept..I sighed softly "I'm ready for next week.."

Dean frowned "I leave Wednesday."

I nodded "Well Jackson and I will fly up next Tuesday.."

He grumbled "I'll miss you guys until then."

I pressed a kiss to his jaw "It'll a week..we've been apart longer than that.."

Dean ran his hand down my back "Promise me you'll send pictures of Jackson everyday until you two get there."

I smiled softly "I promise."

He turned his head and pressed his lips to mine "I love you."

I smiled "I love you too."

Dean smiled "So you get to slap your father on Monday."

I nodded "That was dad's idea he thought it would add to the drama around this."

He chuckled "That'll be interesting."

I nodded "I'm curious to how the girls will react.."

Dean nodded "Probably freak out."

I yawned slightly "Yeah."

He smiled "Go to sleep baby."

I nodded slightly as I slowly drifted off to sleep

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