Chapter 11

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*Morgan's pov*

It had been weeks since my mother's arrival...within work I had defended my title 3 times..the guys kept up the feud with Daniel, Kane and Cena..eventually getting their first loss by dq...and Jon began a feud with Kofi Kingston which led to tonight's match at Extreme Rules for the US Championship...and Joe and Colby were going for the Tag Team titles....I was cutting a promo with the guys before Jon's match...I had my title on my shoulder "Hey you 3 got these matches in the bag...I know it...Kofi knows it...Daniel Bryan and Kane know guys have this."

Seth grinned "Hell yes..."

I looked at them with a smile "Now kick ass.."

Dean grinned "Indeed."

When the segment ended it was time for Jon's match..I accompanied Jon to the ring...I kept a worried look on my face Kofi was a strong competitor as was Jon but Jon had the upper hand most of the match I cringed as Kofi kicked the side of Jon's head causing him to land on the outside if the ring with a thud...I watch intently through the ropes as he slid Jon back in the ring and went for the pin...I grinned as he kicked out...after a couple tries Jon hit the Dirty Deeds and went for the pin..1...2...3....HE WON....although Seth and Roman beat me in the ring congratulating him...I slid in...

Dean face me with a smile..he grabbed my hand pulling me to him "C'mere..."

I took his face in my hands "I told you."

He grinned "Yeah."

I pressed a light kiss to his lips then stepped back letting the guys lift him up...we left the ring Jon's arm around my shoulders and headed backstage...I wrapped my arms around his neck "Congratulations baby."

Dean chuckled "Thank you.."

I smiled pulling him closer "I love you."

He smiled down at me "I love you too."

I smiled before long it was time for the tag match....I stood with Jon backstage watching the was back and forth for quite a bit...I couldn't help but grin as Joe pinned Daniel for the 3 count..of course Jon ran out there....when they came backstage I have them each a hug "Congratulations.."

Roman chuckled "Thanks kiddo."

I laughed "You're welcome.."

Dean grabbed my hand pulling me along to the locker room...he pressed my back against the door "You're so fucking beautiful."

I pushed him back by his chest "Hold out till we get to the hotel and you won't regret it."

He groaned "And how do you suppose I deal with this"

I raised an eyebrow as I bit my lip...I grabbed his hand pulling him into the bathroom I back arched off the cold wall my legs wrapped around his waist..the water spraying around us...I bit down on his shoulder

Dean groaned "Damn it Morgan.."

I bit back a gasp as he got rougher it didn't take long for me to cum after that "Jon..."

He buried his face against my neck as he came moments later...he looked at me as his breathing evened out "Now that's a way to celebrate.."

I laughed as my feet hit the floor "I'd say.."

Dean pressed his lips lightly to mine "Yeah.."

After quickly shower get I got out and dressed in shorts and tshirt...I didn't bother drying my hair...I walked out and began packing my bags...I sat down putting on my shoes when I knock came to the door.."Come in.."

Vickie poked her head in "You're father is asking for you."

I nodded "Okay thank you."

She nodded and walked away

I tied my shoes quickly and went to find my dad...I walked into his locker room "Hey daddy."

Dad looked up with a smile "Hey.."

I sat down "Need something."

He nodded "Well I'm coming back to Raw in August as part of this new thing we're calling the Authority..we want you, Jon, Joe and Colby involved..."

I nodded "Okay...sounds like fun."

Dad smiled "I hoped you'd say that..."

I smiled "Did you doubt I'd say no"

He chuckled "Well no.."

I smiled standing up "I gotta go...I got 3 Champs to celebrate with."

Dad laughed "Have fun.."

I smiled "Bye dad."

He nodded "Bye."

I smiled and walked out

*Jon's pov*

We all hung out in the bar in the hotel having a drink to celebrate our wins tonight...I had my arm around Morgan's waist keeping her as close as possible she was basic all in sitting on my lap...I pressed a kiss to her ear "I love you.."

Morgan smiled lightly "I love you too.."

I protested as Morgan took my beer out of my hand "Hey.."

She pushed off me turning to face me.."would you rather stay down here and drink of go back to the room with me?"

I raised an eyebrow "But I'm celebrating with my friends."

Morgan shrugged "Suit yourself I'm going upstairs ."

I watched as she walked away and headed for the elevator..I looked at Joe and Colby..."Sorry guys I gotta go.."

Seth laughed "You're whipped."

I shrugged putting money on the bar "Well when you have a girl that looks like that in your bed you'd be quick to join her too."

He laughed "Well it wouldn't be Morgan that's weird."

I laughed "I'd kick your ass.."

Roman shook his head laughing "Go."

I smiled and walked off heading upstairs....I unlocked our door and walked in "Babe?"


I walked in seeing her sitting against the headboard in just one of my button up shirts completely unbuttoned "My god..."

Morgan smiled slightly "Took you long enough.."

I stripped down quickly joining her in bed "If I knew this was waiting for me I would of been up here a lot sooner."

Her hands came to rest on the back of my neck "You missed your chance."

I moved between her legs "Like hell I did."

Morgan bit her lip "Jon.."

I took the shirt she had on off and threw it to the floor crashing my lips to hers


Morgan seems at peace...but will it stick around

I have wrote out a chapter to a new story...I had the idea and wanted to write it out before I forgot it

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