Chapter 22

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*Morgan's pov*

I was still a nervous wreck after that night I  never let Jackson out my sight..Dad uped security..and Michelle watched him in the lockerroom with the door locked...I was really rethinking being clear across the country from my family since the ordeal...I felt like I was robbing my parents the chance to really be grandparents...tonight was the night Colby was to turn against me, Jon, and Joe...I was concerned about the beating the boys would take...and the fact I would go face to face with my father after the attack...I sighed deeply as I buttoned up the vest I decided to wear..I sighed feeling Jon wrap his arms around my waist pressing a kiss to my shoulder "Don't."

Dean sighed "She's in jail baby she's not going to get to him."

I nodded slightly "I know..I just..."

He sighed "Baby don't this."

I turned facing him "Don't do this....sorry I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact my own mother kidnapped my excuse me if I'm not a bottle of fucking sunshine Jon."

Dean stepped back "I didn't mean it like that.."

I shook my head "I'm a nervous wreck I can even leave Jackson alone for 5 minutes...hell I've even thought about packing everything up and going back to Connecticut."

He stopped "Leaving me?"

I sighed "No.."

Dean looked at me "Explain this to me Morgan...I want to understand why you don't want to be in Vegas?"

I sighed "We are so far from my family from your parents see Jackson when we work..your mom sees him when she can get time to fly out...all because why we like the seclusion our son doesn't get that time with his grandparents."

He ran his hands through his hair "So leaving with Jackson solves what...breaking his family apart."

I just looked at him "When did I say I was leaving you?"

Dean looked at me anger in his eyes "You're not fucking happy in Vegas with me...what am I supposed to think Morgan?"

I grew angry myself "I'm missing my sisters grow up...I miss my parents...I don't get to see my grandparents like I used yeah Vegas isn't my favorite place right now...not you not our family fucking Vegas."

He shook his head "So your solution is to leave?"

Seth walked in with Heather and Joe "Hey guys it's everything okay?"

I nodded "Just peachy.."

He looked at us both with a look "Uh okay."

I leaned down kissing the top of my son's head then walked out...I kept the act on as angry as I was with Jon right now I had a job to so..I gave him a look as he pulled me closer as we waited to walk out "Not now."

Dean whispered "We have to talk about this."

I shook my head "What's the point evidently how I feel isn't important.."

He sighed "Baby.."

I looked at him "We have a job to do."

Dean sighed "Yeah."

I took a deep breath and we walked out to the ring....while they talked I had a moment to think about how stupid I was being about this...did I really want to leave my home..the home I built with Jon...I decided I would fix this later I shook my head and focused on what was going on...I walked up to Dean and slid my hand into his something I wasn't scripted to do...when he looked at me I gave a slight nod the look in his eyes told me he got it..I stood by his side as Randy and my father came dad spouting off about plan scripted the assault began I wad pushed into the corner out of the way...I just watched keeping the horror on my face...

Dad grabbed my wrist making me look at Jon and Joe he got a mic "You chose this picked them over your birth right and now you perish like them..unless you make the right choice and rejoin the Authority.."

I narrowed my eyes from him to Randy to Colby...I jerked my arm away "I made that mistake once...I won't again."

He nodded "Don't say I didn't warn you"

I watched them leave then ring then dropped to my knees checking on the guys I placed my hand on Dean's cheek "You okay?"

Dean grumbled "I think so ribs hurt."

I nodded as the refs helped the guys out of the ring...I sat back in the medic room while he got checked out "I'm sorry."

He looked at me "Me too I should of heard you out..I didn't stop to think how this must of messed with your head."

I stood and walked over "I love Vegas it's home...but at the end of the day how many people do we actually know out there.."

Dean nodded "I see where you're coming from...but do you want to uproot and move to Connecticut?"

I shook my head "I was thinking a little further south...I mean we can still have our seclusion but be close to our friends to Joe and Heather...Colby and Lindsi go down there alot..."

He gave me a small smile "and you'd have Nikki there."

I nodded "So?"

Dean rubbed his hand along my lower back "I will be off in August to film so we can ask Nikki to help is find a house in Tampa..."

I smiled "Really?"

He smiled "I've always told you I'll do whatever I have to to make this's obvious the thing with Cassie doesn't make you feel as safe as you did before..and in Vegas we are pretty far from that security if making the move to Tampa gives you that piece of security for Jackson I'll do what I have to plus it'll be nice having Joe close by.."

I leaned down pressing my lips lightly to his "I love you."

Dean smiled "I love you."

After Jon was cleared we got Jackson and left for the hotel..I walked out of the bathroom to see Jon holding Jackson who was letting out little laughs at his daddy..I picked my phone and took a picture posting it *My boys ♡♡♡* I walked over joining my little family in bed...I didn't need anything else tonight but spending time with my husband and son ..we all 3 fell asleep happily

Author's Note

Morgan and Jon lashed out at each other but Morgan realized she was being foolish

The Goods are leaving Vegas for Tampa

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