Chapter 14

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*Paul's pov*

Today was an emotional day for was Morgan's wedding day...I tried for the past week to prepare myself for the fact I was giving my daughter away to start this whole new life with Jon and their baby in Vegas...all morning I kept thinking of this little girl who would come to the arenas with little blonde she got older I got to share more with her I got to teach her what I knew much to the dismay of my parents...but she had me in the palm of her hand...when Aurora came along she quickly took on the big sister role calling constantly when she wasn't home...I still remember the day she brought Jon home I instantly hated him..I didn't have a reason other than the fact he was dating my baby she was an adult but for 20 years she was my only child...but today I'm happily handing her over to Jon....I knocked lightly before walking into the room..I saw the bridesmaids they looked great...I saw Aurora, Murphy, and Vaughn they looked eyes landed on Morgan and she looked beautiful I couldn't believe this was the same little girl who would sit perched on a weight bench watching me and Shawn work out...I walked over kissing her cheek "You look beautiful baby."

Morgan smiled "Thank you dad."

I took a deep breath "It's surreal now...I'm giving my first baby away..."

She shook her head "I'm always gonna be last name is just changing...I may be hundred of miles away but I'm always a phone call you'll see me every Monday and Tuesday."

I chuckled " let's get these photos done so we can get this over with before your old man becomes a blubbering mess.."

Morgan smiled "Yeah."

I kissed her temple and we all walked out...after pictures it was time for the ceremony..after handing Morgan over to Jon at the alter I sat down beside Stephanie with Vaughn in my lap watching...Steph was in were Linda and my mother...I could only smile as I watched them exchange their vows...they were just genuinely happy...and I couldn't ask for more..

*Morgan's pov*

I had shared a dance with grandpa..even Shane and I was having my father daughter dance...I smiled up at my dad "At least you didn't cry.."

Dad laughed "I wanted to sweetheart trust me...but I'm beyond happy for have a great guy."

I smiled "Yeah I do.."

He smiled "So when will you find out if well finally be adding another boy to the family?"

I laughed "Next month when we get back from Europe."

Dad nodded "Boy thoughts keep thinking boy thoughts."

I smiled "I'll do my best."

He kissed my forehead "I'll spoil him or her either way.."

I nodded "Oh I know."

Dad smiled "Just remember you guys can always move here..I won't complain."

I smiled "I'll keep that in mind.."

He smiled "Yeah.."

After our dance ended I stood back watching Jon share a dance with my grandma...after he danced with Norah of course...I felt Joe nudge me "Hey.."

Roman smiled slightly "Tamed the Lunatic Fringe."

I laughed "I'm more surprised about taming Jon Moxley than Dean Ambrose."

He busted out laughing "Yeah.."

I smiled "Well if you'll excuse me I'm going to go dance with my sisters before I'm too huge to do that."

Roman nodded "Go.."

I smiled as the song changed I got on the floor with my sisters and just acted silly with them which they loved even Nikki and the girls joined in....I soon found myself sharing another dance with now Vince and Linda took the girls home...I heard the music stop..I turned my head seeing my dad walking out on the floor with a mic and his glass along with Stephanie...we were handed glasses of course mine had sparkling grape juice...I just smiled at my dad

Dad smiled "I remember when Morgan was this little 11 year old spending the summer on the road with me...she not only me in the palm of her hand she has the entire locker room wrapped around her finger....she's always been the one who just loved one knows that more than Jon...I admit I wasn't keen on their relationship as first and it took a lot for me to come around...this is something Jon will learn one day...for all her life it was me and her..even as a child we were a team..she was my mini little buddy...but she's grown into this beautiful strong determined woman...Jon you got your hands full but I wish you two a long and happy here's to you Jon and Morgan Good.."

I raised my glass at my dad and took a sip...the rest of the reception went great and I had a blast even with our goofy photos but I was beyond exhausted...I crawled into bed beside Jon curling up to his side "Happy?"

Dean nodded "Very..."

I smiled softly "You're mine now Good."

He tilted my head up pressing his lips to mine "Wouldn't have it any other way."

I smiled "I love you."MI

Dean smiled "I love you too.."

I smiled and snuggled back into his side and slowly drifted off to sleep...a very happy girl

Author's Note

They're married!!!!

Drama will be beginning for the couple when Morgan decides she's ready to announce her pregnancy to explain why she's not wrestling

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