Chapter 39

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*Morgan's pov*

I was miserable 9 months pregnant and due any day...but it was the morning of Jon's 33rd birthday..Jackson was at school and Ryder was at dad was in town handling stuff with NXT...while Jon was upstairs showering after returning from the gym...I felt off since I woke up to get the boys ready...and I could feel the tightening across my stomach but I was determined to get things done before Jon's birthday dinner tonight..I groaned as the doorbell rang "Come in."

A few seconds later Lindsi walked into the kitchen "Hey Mama."

I sighed "Hey."

She frowned "You look awful Morgan.

I sighed "I'm miserable..and I'm trying to make today perfect but I feel awful.."

Lindsi nodded "Sit I can get things ready..I'll call Heather to help."

I nodded 'Thanks Lindsi.."

She nodded "Go get dressed and I'll get started."

I nodded and walked upstairs changing into a sundress..I winced as I put my hair into a messy braid...I couldn't take it anymore "Jon.."

Dean walked out of the bathroom "You okay?"

I sighed "I need you to take me to the hospital..."

He raised an eyebrow "Is everything alright..the baby?"

I sighed "I think I'm in early stages of labor...the boys boom water broke.."

Dean kissed my forehead "I'll get our bags and I'll meet you down stairs."

I nodded and slowly walked downstairs "Lindsi I'm going to the hospital."

Lindsi looked alarmed "What do I need to do?"

I sighed "For now stay here I'll call and let you know what they say..I may need you and Colby to keep the boys."

She nodded "Good luck Morg.."

Dean walked down quickly bags in hand "Okay babe let's go.."

I nodded and we left..sure enough when I was checked it was determined that I was in labor and dilated to 4 Mila was coming today so Jon called now we waited Jon, my dad, my mom and sisters sat around the my surprise things were smoother this time I smiled as Aurora sat at my feet "Excited kiddo?"

Aurora smiled "Will I get to paint her nails like you do mine?"

I nodded "Eventually yes..."

She nodded "When is she gonna be here I'm tired of waiting."

Dad chuckled "We all are about we got get some food and let your sister rest."

Aurora looked at him "But daddy she needs us.."

I smiled softly "Its okay Jon is here sweetheart."

She hugged me "Okay."

I smiled softly "Go on I'll be okay."

Aurora hopped off the bed and left

I leaned my head back "Jon.."

Dean stood up walking to the side of the bed "Yeah babe."

I smiled softly "Is it too late to decide I don't want just 3?"

He chuckled "Baby I'll give you whatever you want..but let's get Mila here first."

I smiled "Yeah."

Dean leaned down pressing a kiss to my lips "I love you."

I smiled "I love you too."

He smiled "I know baby."

Hours passed and finally Mila made her arrival..I sat holding my beautiful blue eyed baby girl..I took a picture of her sweet face *Mila Addison Good 12/7/18 5:32 pm our baby girl shares a birthday with her daddy* I looked up as the others walked in "Hey.."

Mom walked over "Can I?"

I nodded "Of course."

She gently took her out of my arms "She's so tiny how much did she weigh?"

Dean beamed with pride "6 pounds even..16.5 inches tiny little girl."

Mom smiled "She's gorgeous."

Dad smiled "She looks like Morgan."

I smiled softly "Finally."

He laughed "Yeah.."

I smiled softly watching our family and friends meet our daughter and our boys meeting their little sister

*Dean's pov*

They weren't kidding when they said the first time you hold your daughter everything life changed when I held Jackson for the first time but holding beautiful baby girl..I took a picture of her sleeping on my chest *Definitely the best birthday my baby girl Mila.* I looked up as Morgan walked out of the bathroom dressed in sweats and my old Reds shirt "Hey."

Morgan smiled as she got in bed "Gloating are we?"

I grinned "Showing off how gorgeous our daughter is."

She laughed softly "That she is."

I slowly stood up walking over to the bed sitting down "So about that 4th kid."

Morgan smiled letting her head rest on my shoulder "I wouldn't mind one more when she's older."

I smiled softly "I'll see what I can do.."

She pressed a kiss to my cheek "Happy Birthday."

I smiled "One of the best I've ever had."

Morgan yawned "Better be."

I smiled down at her "Definitely."

She smiled softly "We have 3 kids."

I chuckled "Yeah and I'm loving every moment of it."

Morgan nodded "Me too."

I kissed the top if her head "Get some sleep baby."

She nodded "Wake me up when she does."

I shook my head "Sleep."

Morgan nodded slightly "Yes sir.."

I sat watching as she fell asleep beside me my girls...soon we would be home with our boys...our kids...our family

Author's Note

Baby Mila has made her arrival

Massive time jump next chapter...only 2 chapter's left

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