Chapter 16

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*Jon's pov*

I couldn't lie I was a bit bummed that we were having a boy but that quickly changed...Aurora and Murphy were excited about having a nephew..Vaughn didn't quite understand what was going on other than the fact Morgan was going to be a our short time home I began working on the was a lot of blues and browns very simple as Morgan wanted...but tonight Paul decided to was going to address everything involving Morgan and the baby...I wasn't exactly keen on my 5 month pregnant wife out in the ring but I knew between us, Randy and Paul she was safe..I stood with my hand resting lightly on Morgan's stomach I could feel Jackson moving around which was amazing in itself "I feel him.."

Morgan laughed "So do I.."

It was still early in the day and we had hours before Raw was set to start...I nodded slightly "You I was kinda bummed when she said it was a boy..."

She smiled "There is always next time...but just think if we ever have a girl she'll have a very protective big brother."

I nodded "True."

Morgan turned facing me "I'm kinda excited at the thought of having this little guy..and him looking like his daddy."

I laughed "You would.."

She poked my cheek "With these dimples.."

I let my hands rest on her lower back.."Well we are doomed for blonde blue eyed kid.."

Morgan shook my head "Cassie has dark hair..."

I scowled "Forget Cassie...she doesn't matter."

She nodded "I know just stating a fact that we could have a dark haired baby."

I pulled her closer "I love you."

Morgan smiled "I love you too.."

I smiled down at her "Will you be okay while I run ropes with the guys?"

She nodded "Go ahead."

I gave her a quick kiss then walked off

*Morgan's pov*

I stood talking to Naomi when I heard a voice..I looked up seeing Cassie talking to one of the make up artist "Why is she here?"

Naomi raised an eyebrow "Why is who here?"

I sighed "My birth mother."

She looked over "Isn't she the one you had it out with on your birthday?"

I nodded "Yep."

Naomi nodded "Don't approach her Morgan you gotta think about Jackson...."

I nodded "Don't plan to."

She smiled "So I hear his room is blue and brown with little elephants."

I smiled "We let the girls pick...Aurora and Murphy picked the colors and Vaughn was all about some's coming along quite nicely...when we go home Jon is gonna finish putting the furniture together."

Naomi smiled "How about Jonathan and I fly out and help I could use some Vegas shopping."

I smiled "I would love that..."

She smiled "I'll talk to him about it later."

Just then a pair of hands slammed in the desk "Morgan..Trinity is it?"

I rolled my eyes "What do you want Cassie?"

Her eyes narrowed "'s mom.."

I shook my head "No my mom is in her office right now with my're just the uterus I came out of."

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