Chapter 22 - Master Serpio

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----To the Father I Know We ALL ‘YEARNED’ to Know About----

Philip Serpio’s POV

I stared at the dark haired man with a calm expression in front of me. He was a fine gentleman. He came from a well off family. He saved my life. He wanted something in return. I promised to give it to him yet I also feel somewhat guilty about this.

“My daughter shall return soon for Christmas,” I said.

“I see,” he said.

“You are quite blunt,” I noted.

“Do you regret that I saved you?” he asked.

“No,” I said. “But what you wanted in return was quite surprising.”

“I see,” he said.

“I’m going to say this upfront so you won’t be offended,” I said. “But my daughter is rather delicate, she has a bad past with relationships.”

“I see,” he said.

Man, Arashi is going to kill me. This guy can’t speak more that ‘I see’ on a regular basis. I sighed, excused myself to my office, and prepared a way to break it to my girl.

Arashi’s POV

“I’m coming home ~ coming home ~ tell the world that I’m coming home,” I sang in the loudest voice ever.

“I’m sure the world knows with how loud you are being,” Nico said.

“Hey! Don’t hate! You know how few times I actually get to see daddy?” I said.

“She’s right,” Lydia said. “How many times do we get to see Master Serpio?”

“I never said I wasn’t excited,” Nico said.

“Great! We can get father-in-law to approve of our marriage,” Leone said.

“He’s not your father-in-law yet,” Nico said. “Besides I don’t think you should come at all after all this is a special thing between us.”

Suddenly a phone rang.

“Oh that’s me,” I said. “IT’S DADDY!!!!”

I quickly answered the phone.

“Hey daddy!” I said.

“Hey princess,” Daddy said.

“Why do you sound so sad?” I asked.

“I just have to tell you something important,” Daddy said.

“You’re not getting remarried right?” I asked.

“No, why such a weird question?” Daddy asked.

“You sounded sad about it, did you almost get killed again?” I asked.

“Maybe…?” Daddy said.

“Really daddy, you have to stop being so risky,” I said with a sigh.

“Well I have a guest for this year’s reunion, sorry,” Daddy said.

“Oh I don’t mind, I guess,” I said.

“Sorry it couldn’t just be us, Lydia, and Nico like always,” Daddy said.

“It’s okay, I might be bringing some too,” I said.

“Are they new friends of yours?” Daddy asked.

“No,” I said.

“Wow, my princess being her usual self,” Daddy said with a laugh.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Well see you soon,” Daddy said.

“Okay bye,” I said.

I hung up and looked around.

“I guess you guys can come since daddy has a guest anyways,” I said not trying to hide how unpleased I am to have them tag along.

“Wow someone’s in a good mood,” Konato said.

“I was,” I said.

So we went back to the humans world, I got my stuff, and got ready to go home…with Lydia, Nico, Leone, Konato, Haruka, Kelpie, Ermine, the rat, and Raven. Does no one have the courtesy to say ‘no I really don’t mean to intrude’ these days?

----At the House of Serpio----

Philip Serpio’s POV

He is scaring the soul out of me. Arashi, please come save daddy! I looked at him again and internally shivered. His eyes are so cold.

“Which one is she?” he said suddenly.

I turned around confused then saw a crowd of people and my princess following behind them with a frown. Man this is going to be a long holiday.

. . .

As promised I updated monthly (barely since its 11:33 on the 31st of Jan here) and also as promised I introduced a new character along with our one and only Master Serpio. So who is this new guy? Why is he so scary? What is his unresonable request? (this one should be pretty obvious) and finally will Leone get what he wants? Find out next time ~


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