Chapter 10 - Arashi's Past

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Raven’s POV

“You want to know who I am?” he asked.

Before I could answer, he took off his wig. Wait wig? It was the girl. The one I saw fighting 3 bandits at once with her trident. The one with sparkling blue eyes.

“Surprised Mr. Cross dresser? I’m Arashi Serpio,” she said.

“Should you really be the one calling me a cross dresser?” I joked.

She laughed but there was a hint of sadness in it.

“So you do have a nonrobotic side of you,” she said.

“So what happened to you that made Nico all worried?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she said turning away.

“Who’s Leone?” I asked.

“No one,” she said still not making eye contact.

“So lady cross dresser is upset now?” I asked.

“Don’t steal my nickname for you,” she said smiling again.

For some reason I wanted to keep that smile there.

“Keeping secrets are bad for the soul,” I told her.

“You really want to know?” she asked.

“That's for you to decide whether you want to tell me,” I said

“Okay just don't make fun of me,” she said as her eyes began to water but a smile still on her face. “It all started the month when Lydia and Edgar met, I was away managing business. I met Leone because he was a rich fairy's son, we exchanged conversation. It was all business at first but then his visit became regular and we talk like we were childhood friends. One day Leone told me that his parents plan to have married off. I congratulated him and told him that any girl would be lucky to marry him but he still looked upset. He told me there was this one girl he was interested in and I so happy for him yet jealous of the girl. At first I didn't get my own emotions, I thought we were just friends right? There's no reason to be jealous I told him to go and become friends with her and ask her out. He told me he already did but I didn't ask her out because he was afraid to ruin their friendship. I felt betrayed at the thought that he didn't tell me about her despite being such close friends with me. I told him not to worry. I stood up to leave but he stopped me. He told me the girl was me and asked me to marry him.”

She was trying so hard to be strong despite everything. She took a couple of breathes before she began to speak again as if she was reliving the memory.

“I didn’t know what to say, I was shocked but I am mortal. I couldn’t marry him, it would be impossible for his family to accept me. However, even though I knew this the stupid lovesick part of me said yes to him. We were happy together. Then came the day he told his parents. They were beyond shocked. They were furious. They kept him locked up so that he would forget about me. They broke all business relations with me and kept sending him beautiful women from the other world hoping that he would forget about me. After two weeks he came back and he brought his fiancé, a servant girl named Maiko, that taken care of him while he was locked up. She was pretty and she was a fairy so she met his parents’ requirements. I was so hurt because it only took him two weeks to replace me. He told me how stupid it was trying to get his parents to accept me. They invited me to their wedding. I didn’t go because I felt so hurt and betrayed. When he came to ask me why I didn’t go, I lied and said I got busy.”

I looked at Arashi again. How long had she kept this to herself? She was secretly hurting alone with secrets like this. She was emotionally crushed and trying to relieve this horrible memory. She spoke again this time her voice was softer but she was crying her eyes out.

“We haven’t contacted each other and another week went by. I was feeling better by then, other families of fairies started contacting me and making connections with our business just to see if I would fall for their son/nephew/some family member. It was starting to feel normal again and I actually became close friends with Konato, a son of my mother’s friend. Then Leone came back. At first I was shocked. Then he told me he still loves me. He also told me Maiko was just a thief. I ran away from him. All the feelings I put off came rushing back to my head. I fainted on the spot in the garden of my business field. Luckily though Konato was visiting and found me there. He got me to medical help. I still owe him for that. Konato took care of me and help me with the business. Then I was released from the hospital. Two days later, Konato proposed to me. I was so happy yet shocked. I told him to wait a year and I will have my answer by then. He told me he'd be waiting for my reply and left. Leone, on the other hand, kept reappearing from time to time apologizing and telling me he still loves me. He came a few times when Lydia was around which is why she knew I was in trouble,” she said with a sigh. “It feels better to let the story out, do you think I’m being stupid?”

“I don’t think you’re being stupid,” I said.

She looked surprised then started to laugh.

“Only you,” she said.

“I do have a question though, if you don’t mind answering,” I said.

“Sure,” she said. “What’s up, Mr. Cross dresser?”

“Are you going to keep calling me that?” I asked.

“Yup, Mr. Cross dresser,” she said. “Was that your question?”

“No, I wanted to ask you why you didn’t accept Konato’s proposal.” I asked.

“Well because I wanted to give him some time to find someone else because it only took Leone 2 weeks to replace me. I thought Konato would find someone else too by one year. Don’t get me wrong, I want to marry Konato but something tells me that he only thinks he loves me and I want to marry someone who will love me forever even when I’m gone, away, or dead. I want someone that loyal, my expectations may be a little too high but that’s how it is and how I want it,” she said.

“So lady cross dresser want to explain why you’re cross dressing or is it just a hobbie?” I asked.

“I’m protecting Lydia and testing that master of yours,” she said rolling her eyes. “Smart guy, he is.”

“So did he fail?” I asked.

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