Chapter 1 - Mail and Surprises

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"Eh mommy, are fairies real?" a little boy asked.

"No," the mother answered.

"But fairies are real it's just not many people can see them," Lydia said.

The two people walked away.

"Dear Lydia, no one believes in fairies these days," Nico said.

"Except fairy doctors like you, Lydia," I said.

"Awhh, Arashi, you didn't finish baking the cookies yet?" Nico asked.

"Sorry Nico," I said.

"Arashi, don't you believe in fairies?" Lydia asked nervously.

"Of course Lydia, but I can see them, so it's different," I said. "And besides I'm not a fairy doctor like you."

"Yes you are, well you can be, and your mother was a fairy warrior, Rathe," Lydia reminded me.

"But my father is Master Serpio, a mortal like me," I said.

"You never know Arashi, you might not be only mortal," Nico said seriously.

"Yeah Arashi," Lydia agreed.

"You guys always say that, I'm pretty sure I know what I am," I said and laughed.

"Morning Lydia-san, Arashi-chan, Nico," the post man said.

"Morning Alan-sama," I said.

"Lydia-san, you have mail from the Blue-," Alan started.

"Oh thanks Alan-sama, bye," Lydia said cutting in.

Alan looked confused but then smiled and walked away.

"Bye Lydia-san, Arashi-chan, Nico," Alan yelled.

"Who's the mail from?" I asked curiously.

Lydia sighed.

"Told you not to keep it from her," Nico said disappearing.

"What? Lydia, I'm your best friend, how can you keep secrets from me? Is that a blackmail letter? Are you in any kind of trouble?" I asked panicking.

"No Arashi, calm down," Lydia said.

We went inside and she told me the whole story about what happened during the month I was gone about meeting Edgar, finding the marrow, almost accepting marriage with Kelpie, faking the marriage with Edgar, being kidnapped by Gotham, finding the amber with Banshee, Paul, and Ermine, and giving Lady Gladys to Edgar.

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