Chapter 27 - The Day After

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The phone rang again. It was probably the 25th time not that Arashi was counting while deep in her sleep. Who could be this persistently annoying? Master Serpio attempted to unplug it from the wall but was too lazy to move his arm that far. Nico completely blocked it out and Lydia seemed unaffected. The phone stopped ringing. There was a pause... 1... 2... 3... nothing. Maybe whoever it was finally gave up. Arashi sighed. 


"Damn," Arashi muttered still half asleep. 

She got up off the floor she was sleeping on and cracked her back. She slowly made her way over to the phone careful not to step on Lydia, Nico, or her dad. The phone stopped ringing.  Arashi plopped down on the floor next to the phone and counted. 

1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Missi-


And there it was. Arashi picked up the phone.

"Do you know what time it is?" a voice from the other side of the phone said.

"An ungodly time," Arashi said. "Who calls 27 times?!?!?! If no one picks up, you should just stop calling, I mean common decency would be thinking that, I don't know,  MAYBE THEY DIDN'T WANT TO ANSWER OR WERE BUSY."

"You were sleeping," the voice said.

"EXACTLY! I would still be sleeping if you didn't call," Arashi said. "I'm hanging up and don't call back."

"We need you to come down to the police station," the voice which Arashi now registered was Raven's said.

"Oh god, what did you guys do?" Arashi said.

"The police won't let them out unless we can confirm we're not con artists or solicitors or just random people disrupting public peace," Raven said.

"How did you guys even manage to do this?" Arashi said. "Actually I don't want to know. I'll coming but just so you know, you guys owe me big time."

Arashi hung up then woke up the other three and told them about what happened.

"Oh I forgot to give them a key," Master Serpio said.

"I cannot believe they got arrested," Lydia said.

"I can," Nico said. "They can't all be together and not cause some kind of trouble."

"The right decision is to go there and get them but the tempting decision is to just leave them all here and go on a trip to the Bahamas," Arashi said.

"We have to go get them," Master Serpio said. 

"For the tournament," Nico said. "Besides we don't want some random person we don't even know to pop out of nowhere to claim Arashi."

"I feel like if someone besides that lot won, they would want money more than they would want me," Arashi said.

"But having you is like winning the lottery," Nico said.

"True," Master Serpio said.

"Ethically we should go get them out," Lydia said.

"Fine, I guess I'm being outvoted," Arashi said. "Let's go get these people."

The four of them went to the police station, found Raven, and talked to the officers to get the rest of the lot out from behind the bars.

"I cannot believe that we had to spend a night behind bars," Haruka said.

"On Christmas none the less," Leone said.

"You all should be happy that I came to bail all of you out," Arashi said.

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