Chapter 6: Village Rule

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Moon's POV

It was the middle of the night, when I dreamt of the hooded figure.

The dream started normal at first, I was on my village, my old home.

There were people all around me, chatting.

My old friends, I remembered, fondly.

Why did I even leave in the first place?

Everyone in my village was so welcoming. We shared our food, water, shelter...

Some of my friends waved to me, and I walked towards them, eager to join them.

Then, shadows began to appear from everywhere. I pulled out my bow and looked around.

The skies turned gray as everyone around me fell down.

Spider webs... broken windows... houses destroyed.

"What in the world?" I gasped, as I saw some hooded figure staring at me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

Things that are worse than this is about to come. It seemed to say.

I stumbled backwards, shaking.

"Moon, don't worry," somebody said. "It'll be okay. I promise."

I looked behind me, but before I could see who had spoken, the nightmare faded away.

And so did all of the voices.

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