Chapter 50: Razer's Reign

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Razer' s POV


I screamed. "Oh, it's only you," I said. "You know, we really need to establish some ground rules of this leaping into my mind and shouting."

The Overseer grumbled something. I don't take it well when my servants are telling me what to do.

"Servants?" I asked. "How many servants do you have?"

Not enough. 

Which is why I brought you here.

"To do what exactly?" I asked. 

I want you to go destroy more villagers and lure more heroes in.

"Huh," I said, yawning. "That sounds like the same shit you always make me do."


Now, I expect you to find someone who has enough potential to join our side.

"With pleasure, my lord," I said, before running off.

Fifty chapters, holy shit

Shadewalker: Wait! Who's talking? Moonlark or The Overseer.

I'm talking bitch.

Shadewalker: Oh right, our B-

[Shadewalker was disemboweled by Moonlark]

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