Chapter 48: Forever

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Ember's POV

Stella and I were trying to figure out what to do next.

"We could invade the End first," I said. "No, I forgot! The portals are all shut down."

"So... our best bet is going after Razer, alone?" Stella said, pointing out the second option.

"Yeah, I know both options are terrible." I agreed.

"Yeah, since we have no idea where he is," Stella pointed out.

"Wait..." I said. "Do you have some redstone dust?"

I placed a crafting table down, and Stella handed me the redstone dust.

"What are you doing?" She asked. 

"Not much," I replied, as I placed the redstone dust down.

I then pulled out four iron ingots and placed them down, surrounding the redstone dust.

The five items combined, making a compass.

"I... don't see how that's going to help us find Razer," Stella said.

I smirked. "That's only because you're seeing the first part!" I said. "Watch this!" 

I took the Ender Relic and smacked it under the compass. 

The compass began to glow as it, dramatically pointed West.

"I hope you've done this before," Stella said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I hope you know if you can take that Relic off of that compass or not." She restated.

"Stella? I can not tell a lie," I said. "I have absolutely no idea."

Stella opened her mouth, but I cut her off. "But... seeing how this Relic was on the Keyblade... I think that it's safe to say that... yes. We can take it off."

"Good to know," Stella said with a sigh of relief.

We began to head West.

"Hey Stella?" I said. "I... have a question."

"What is it?" She replied.

"While I was gone, did Moon begin to date someone else?" I asked. "I mean, I won't be mad or anything, because I understand if she did decide to fall in love with someone else."

"No," Stella said, shaking her head. "I think Moon has made it clear that you're only one for her."

"Good," I said. "Not that I was worried or anything."  

Stella rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Ember."

We began to walk in silence for a little while.

"I must admit," Stella said. "That was pretty brilliant."

I grinned. "Thank you," I said. "They don't call me the smartest person alive for no reason."

"Do they?" Stella asked.

"No..." I said. "I was only joking."

"Okay, so we have Kyllian and Razer to take care of," Stella said. "Oh right, and Devon."

"Yeah, this whole fighting evil is exhausting," I complained. 

Stella shook her head. "Hopefully it'll be over soon." She said.

"When that happens," I said. "I'm taking Moon on a date."

Stella smirked. "Then you better not die, Ember." She replied.

"I'm not planning to," I said. "In fact, I won't die just so I can be with Moon forever."

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