Chapter 41: Razer's Revenge

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Song Played: Unknown Brain x Rival - Control

Razer's POV

I glared at the hooded creep who was responsible for everything.

I couldn't see his face, but I swear that he was smirking. 

He probably thought that I would be an easy kill.

Well, he hasn't met me yet...

I teleported as I pulled out my sword and stabbed him in the guts, then I punched him in the face.

The creep then threw a bunch of daggers at me.

Oh, I see! Well, if you want to play it that way...

I blasted them with lightning, then began attacking him with lightning.

I think he was surprised, by the way his body was moving.

I began to cut him up, pleased to see blood streaming down from him.

"Not so tough now, are you?" I asked.

He didn't reply, but punched me in the face.

I grabbed his arm and twisted it, before attacking him with more of my lightning powers.

Every lightning bolt was more painful than the last, and before I knew it, the creep crumbled onto his knees.

I continued to attack him, I wanted him to suffer and feel pain! I was actually enjoying it.

And every attack made the adrenaline in my veins run even more.

It went on a for another few hours and my annoyance turned to pleasure.

"I... underestimated you," he grunted. "But just you wait..."

Before I could attack him once more, he disappeared.

I swore at the top of my lungs.

I've caused him so much pain already. I've avenged my friends. 

Then why am I not satisfied?

Nobody's POV

The reader would stare at Razer who had his head lower, and he seemed to be twitching.

Then Razer would turn around, and his eyes were full of pure insanity.

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