Chapter 19: Friend Talk

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Ember's POV

I was a little triggered that I no longer had any weapons.

Nina was mumbling to herself, her eyes on her tracker.

"Can you tell me about your friends?" Jun asked quietly.

I smiled fondly. "Yeah, Moon... she was a knockout," I started. "Or at least to me, she was. She dislikes fighting, but never underestimate her. Rain, he's one of my most serious friends, we usually butt heads. His girlfriend, Stella was usually the reason, but we seemed to reach a mutual respect."

I continued on, chatting about my friends, and Jun told me about his 12 year old sister, Roxy, who was born blind.

"She was born blind?" I repeated. "How has she survived in her world?"

"We keep a close eye on her," Jun explained. "Her late majesty made a law that anyone with disabilities were excused from our usual duties. She made it to keep them all safe. She... was a great Queen, I just can't believe she died."

"I'm sorry," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "And I hope your sister is okay."

"Thank you," Jun said, smiling a little.

"Guys! Look at this!" Nina shouted, and we began to run.

We looked at her tracker to hear that it was beeping rapidly, and the light was glowing a bright green.

"A relic must be close!" Nina said, excited. 

"Looks like we're going into the cavern," Jun commented.

"We're already in a cavern Jun," I told him.

"I meant deeper into the cavern," Jun said. 

"Look, there's a sign," Nina said, pointing to a carve sign.

Do not enter. Or you will die. Have a nice day -The Keeper

We stared at the sign. "Are we going in?" Nina asked.

"Well, I guess we are," I said. "We'll also ignore this sign, because we are very smart."

"Ha! Funny, Ember," Jun replied. "Come on, let's go."

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