Chapter 11

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⚠️TW: slight mention of murder and abuse⚠️

It's Zach who had stopped me.
Jonah had stepped in and held Stacy back as well.
"Enough!" Zach shouted at her. "That was low Stacy, even for you. What the fuck is your problem? You shouldn't have the mindset to think you're able to say things and get away with it."

"Oh come on, it was funny," she defended, rolling her eyes.
"Yeah? So you think it's funny to make fun of someone's past that you have no clue about?"

"Her family is in jail Zach. What makes you so sure she won't end up there as well?"

I try not to let comments like that bother me, but standing here in front of my entire team, in front of this entire crowd..
It hurt.

I feel tears sting my eyes a little, and I want to squeeze my fists together, but I end up squeezing Zach's hands. He squeezes back, letting me know he's not letting go; that he's on my side.

I grit my teeth together, "You leave them out of this."
"Why? Face it Y/n. They're criminals. They kidnapped and killed a little girl and what did you do? I bet you let it happen. I bet you knew what was going on and you did nothing to save that innocent little girl."

"I CALLED THE COPS ON THEM!" I shout back.

I had felt my heart break all over again, feeling my past feelings rise up once again. "I turned them in," my voice trembled. "I'm the reason my life is the way it is. I'm the reason why I no longer have a brother, or a mom and dad. You have NO RIGHT to speak about something you know NOTHING about."

For once, Stacy had finally shut up. She had nothing to say back.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek as every pushed down memory came right back up.
My voice shakes, "I fed Alice when they were away doing who knows what. I took care of her knowing I'd be hit and beaten if I got caught. When I saw what they had done to her.. I-.."
I got caught on my own saliva. My throat felt like it was swelling up, and more tears fell from my eyes.

"Shh Shh," Zach comforted by whispering in my ear.
"She has no reason to explain any of this to you, but she just did. Why? She isn't like her family, and if you get your tiny little head out of your ass, you'd know that."

Zach guides me towards the door, arm around my shoulder.
"And where are you two going?!" Stacy sassed.
"As far away from you as we can," Zach responded.

He walks me outside to the passengers side of his car, opening it up. Finally, he lets go of me to let me get in, but I didn't want him to let go. I craved the feeling of his touch. I needed his touch. I needed him.

I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. He was hesitant at first, but he wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on mine.

Tears fall down my face and we just stand there in silence. This comfortable feeling of being wrapped in Zach's arms while all of my emotions and memories are all over the place is all that I needed, as I plastered a small smile of relief and thankfulness on my face.

"Thank you." I whispered, breaking the silence.
"What for?"
"Stacy had brought up all the memories I had pushed away. It got the best of me and I probably would've done something I would've regretted. I could've hit her."

"Anyone in your situation would've hit her. It's understandable. What she said was out of line," Zach had said, voice quiet and comforting.

I felt Zach's chest heave in and out as he took a deep breath. I wipe my face on the sleeves of his sweatshirt that I'm wearing and slowly pull apart, dragging my hands to his shoulders.
His hands still rest on my waist, and I shoot him a weak smile.

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