Chapter 16

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I took the whole weekend off.
Off of work, off of football, basically everything that kept me moving.
I isolated myself. I just needed some time to process what is going to happen on Friday. It's all happening too fast.

I walked into school, head hung low.
I had a goal for today. Get through the day, but also talk to Coach and Corbyn.
If my parents are coming back, my mind would be distracted from future games. Corbyn is the next best kicker, so I'm going to work with him to get better.. just in case.
You can never be so sure.

"Y/n," I hear Zach's voice from behind me.
I keep walking forward to Coach's office.
"Y/n.." Zach had ran in front of me and stopped me in my tracks.
"I know you're going through a lot but please don't shut me out."
I sigh, "I'm sorry."
"I am too. I just wanted you to know that before I knew you, I was against you but you've shown me there's nothing to be against. I'm different from two months ago when we first met on the field. You're my game changer."

"Please let me help you. Let us help you," he said, looking behind me.
I turn around and the guys are standing there, nodding their heads.
"There's nothing you guys can do. My family is being released and I have to expect the worst. I'm the one who put them in. I'll be their target."
Zach places his hands on my arms, "We can be there for you, help you, protect you."

I shake my head, "No. I can't let you do that. You'll be in the way for my parents and they're very dangerous people."
"I'm willing to be in the way then."
My heart aches at his words.
"Me too," Jack says. "Me three," Corbyn says as well. The rest of the guys all chime in saying they're all willing to help.

My heart aches at all of them.
"Please Y/n," Daniel pleads.
I give in, "Fine. But if anything happens to any of you-"
"If anything happens to us we can take it," Zach interrupts.

I bite my lip, and go in to fully embrace him in a hug. I let out a breath and smile as he wraps his arms around me. "Thank you," I whisper.
I release an arm and open it up so that the rest of the boys join in, creating a group hug.

"Corbyn," I say as we pull apart. "Can you walk me to coaches office? I need to talk to you."
"Yeah sure," he replies. We wave the boys goodbye and we start walking.
"What's up?" He asks.
"I'd like to work with you on your kicking, but only if you're okay with it and Coach is too."
"What?" His voice goes high pitched. "But you're the kicker not me."
"Yeah but the playoffs start this weekend..."
"... When your parents will be released," he realizes.

I nod. "Yeah. I just want to make sure you guys can still get the extra points if I'm not there."
"No, you will be there."
"No, you can't think that you're not gonna be here in a week. Please. You're going to be here."
I sigh, "Then just in case, I'd like to work on your kicking."
He nods, "I have spare time. Gotta let coach know I'll be the replacement kicker then."

We had spoken with Coach and he gave us the okay on Corbyn being the back up kicker for the team. We'll start working today at practice and whenever we're both free.
Corbyn walks us to science and I begin my next goal: lasting the whole day.

After we did our drills, I immediately pulled Corbyn aside and we got straight to work. His form was already good, but now we had to work on his aim and getting the ball in one hundred percent of the time.

When practice ended, Zach had pulled me aside along with Jack, Daniel, Corbyn, and Jonah.
"Hey, so we spoke in the locker room," Zach says, "And we decided that at least one of us should drive you to school, back home, wherever you need to go."
"Whaaat?" I say, my heart feeling warm.
The boys nod. "Yeah. We don't want you to be walking alone or anything like that anymore," Jonah had said.

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