Chapter 5

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"Zach?" I say as he comes out of the bathroom.
He furrows his eyebrows at me, "What?"
I shuffle my feet, regretting my decision. "Um, are you.. okay?"
"I'm fine."
"You say that like you're not though," I point out.

He walks past me and I follow after him, "I said I'm fine Y/n. Can we just go back to the courtyard?"
"Courtyard? What are you doing eating there?"
We both stop walking and turn around to the higher pitched voice that just came from behind us.
"Oh we're just eating lunch out there with Summers," Zach says to Stacy.
She places her hands on her hips and inspects the both of us, as if she's a lion lurching on her prey.

"Cool! I will join you guys!"
Zach stuffs his hands in his letterman jacket, "Um actually-"
"Come on!" Stacy says, walking towards Zach and putting her arm in his. She drags him along, and Zach looks back at me with an apologetic look.
I just sigh to myself. I guess my secluded area isn't secluded anymore.

I take my time walking back to the courtyard, just taking in every little thing around me and appreciating it. The lockers, the posters, the doors that the teachers take time to decorate; just every little thing.
I reach the doors to the courtyard and see that Stacy is now sitting where I was. I groan to myself and quickly think of what to do.

I can either go there, politely grab my lunch and eat at a different table, or eat in the girls bathroom.
Girls bathroom it is.
I open the door and awkwardly approach the circular table, twiddling with my fingers.
"Hey, um don't mind me, I'll just grab my lunch and go."

"Go? But you're the one who brought us here. If anything Stacy should be the one to go," Crawford says.
"Me?!" Stacy scoffs. "This seat was open!"
"No, that seat was Y/n's," Daniel adds.
The other boys nod except Zach.
She scoffs again, "Well- why can't she just go and eat somewhere else?"
"I mean.. I was going to.." I cut in before someone else could say something.

"See! There you go. Problem solved."
Stacy grabs all my things and stuffs them back in my lunch bag, and hands it over to me.
"... thanks.." I slowly say and start to turn around.

"Summers. Stay."
"Dude she's not a dog."
"Summers. You're not leaving."
"That's better."

I awkwardly turn back around to see Corbyn and Crawford stood up. The both of them walk over to me.
Corbyn stops in front of me and leans down, "This is your spot. If anything she should leave."
I shake my head, "I don't want to start anything. I'd rather avoid drama than be in it. I'll just eat.. somewhere else."

"Then I'll come with you," Crawford says.
Corbyn nods, "Me too. No teammate left behind."
I smile at them. My soccer teammates never did such a thing, especially for me.
The two of them go over and grab their stuff, ignoring the other boys questions on where we're going.

We exit the courtyard and walk in the hallways.
"Um, I didn't exactly think this through. You don't like the cafeteria so we won't go in there.. but where else can we eat?" Corbyn asked.
I shrug, and Crawford jumps up. "Oh! The bleachers outside. It's still outside and we can sit."
Corbyn smiles, "I'm down! Is that okay?"
I nod my head.
"Great! Come on. We have fifteen minutes of lunch left."
Crawford led the way and Corbyn and I followed behind.

While eating I actually had a good time. The two boys are hilarious together and so far we've talked about our first game and how their past games against the team went.

We hear the bell ring and all three of our eyes open wide. We all knew what it meant, so we immediately started packing up our trash and rush down the bleachers and into the school.

"What do you guys have next?" Crawford asked as we quickly walk in the school.
"Math with Hudson," Corbyn replied. "Y/n?"
"Same." The two of us look in Crawford's direction and he shrugs, "I had math earlier but I honestly don't know. I left my schedule in my locker."

Corbyn and I laugh and we quickly go our separate ways to our lockers. As soon as I open my locker, the bell rings and the hallways are empty except for Corbyn and I.
I quickly grab my needed stuff and head towards Mr. Hudson's classroom.

"Hey wait for me. I'll walk in with you."
I lightly smile at Corbyn as he makes his way towards me.
We open the door and walk in, causing everyone's heads to turn our way.
"Ah you must be Besson and Summers. You're late."

I awkwardly stand there, silent with no clue what to say. I hate it when I get in trouble. My social anxiety just starts getting higher and I just have no clue what to do.

"Sorry sir. I saw that Y/n was lost so I went to help her. Turns out we have the same class. It won't happen again," Corbyn said.
I raise my eyebrows at how easy it was for him to lie like that.
Mr. Hudson nods, "Since it's the first day, I'll let it slide. Take your assigned seats. Besson
you're next to Wallace, and Summers, next to Herron."

Corbyn starts walking to his seat and automatically clicks with the girl he is next to. I stand there and just stare at Zach as he stares back at me. Do I really have to sit next to him for forty-eight minutes of my day?
We barely got along before. What if this changes our good terms?
"We don't have all day Y/n," Mr. Hudson warned.

I purse my lips together in awkwardness and nod, "Sorry."
I then walk over and take a seat next to Zach, giving him a light head nod before paying attention to class.
My favorite class.
Numbers just come easy for me.
Well.. maybe all subjects come easy for me.
But it's still a fun subject.

End of practice, after school
"Huddle up!" Turner yells.
We all gather around, out of breath and sweaty. "Our first game is this Friday. I expect you all to be rested well and taken care of. But no slacking on school work. Got it?"

We all say a synchronized, "Yes coach."
Turner nods, "Good. Fists in."
Everyone raises their fists in the air and clumps them together. "Panthers on three. One, two, three—"

We all separate and go gather our stuff to head home. I've got a busy schedule today. I have to go home, shower, then go to work, then stop by the homeless shelter to drop off some things.
It just feels wrong if I'm not always moving. It honestly takes my mind off of the things happening around me, and the situation I'm in.
As sick minded as my parents are, I still miss them. There was a time in my life when everything felt normal, and I was clueless of it until they were taken away.

I just wish I lived a normal life, and I feel that if I keep moving around and keeping myself busy, it's somewhat close to that.

When I finish packing my things, I start walking home.
"Y/n wait!" I hear.
I turn around and Daniel is approaching me with Crawford and Zach.
"You're coming with us."
I raise an eyebrow at him, "Um, what?"
"I won't allow you to walk places anymore. You need to keep your foot in top shape, so you're coming with us from now on."

I lightly smile at the gesture, but I shake my head. "I'm sorry I can't. I have places to be in.."
I pull out a watch I have in my bag and calculate the time.
"Thirty minutes."
"Then we'll take you," He offered again.
I shake my head and start walking backwards.

"No, no, it's okay. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
I quickly turn around and start walking really fast towards home.
I know he was just being nice but I'm fine on my own, and I've been fine on my own for a while.

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