Chapter 18

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Friday morning, Zach's pov

"God damnit!" I let out in frustration, slamming my fist on my locker.
"Hey hey, take it easy dude, we need you tonight for the game."
I shake my head at Daniel and open up my locker, letting my head hang in. "How can I even play tonight knowing Y/n is out there with that son of a bitch because of me?"
"It's not your fault-"
"Every second that we're not out there looking for her is a second wasted."

"And what are we supposed to do Zach?" Daniel says with a sharp tone. "We're football players, not the FBI."
I run my hands through my hair, pulling it in the process. He's right. We don't have the skills to find a missing person. Our lives have been revolved around football and making it pro.
"Heads up," Jonah's voice said beside me. "Cougar alert."

I look to see what he was talking about and Stacy comes strutting down the hallway, keeping direct eye contact with me.
Her heels finally shut up as she stops in front of me, placing a hand on my arm.
"Looks like Zachy's little girl toy is missing huh?
What a shame," she mocks.

I roll my eyes and shoo her hand off of me, "She's not a toy and I don't have time for your crap today." I walk past her, leaving the boys behind.
"Well she seemed pretty easy to take. Looks like Micah is gonna have a fun time with her."

Her heels start clicking away and my body instantly made me turn around and charge towards her. I grab her shoulder and spin her around to face me.
"How do you know the name of the kidnapper?" I question, trying to keep my cool.
"I-" she lets out an unsteady breath of air which immediately gave me confirmation.

"Where is she?!" My voice starts to raise. "WHERE IS SHE?!"
"Zach, don't lash out," I hear Corbyn's voice as he holds me back by the shoulders.
"I- I don't know."
"You're lying," I say through gritted teeth. "You stuttered."
I watch her eyebrows furrow but her hands become all flustered. She's trying to keep her cool. She's hiding something.

"How the hell did you know that it was Micah? The cops said they wouldn't release this information until today at noon."
"I- um-"
I angrily narrow my eyes on her, waiting for an answer. She stands up straight, clearing her throat and straightening her clothes.
Her demeanor changes in an instant, and she runs a hand down my shirt.
"Come on Zach, let's forget about this and go back to yesterday. Remember?"
She grabs my face and pulls me in, trying to slam her lips on mine.

I push her off of me. "I don't know what made you think throwing yourself onto me was a good idea after I specifically told you that my interest is in someone else."
"Ugh!" She squeals. "This is exactly why she's gone! She deserves it! Summers went from a nobody to some star in the past two months! She took everything from me!"

I scoff, "She earned what she got through hard work and determination. Nothing was handed out to her with a flick of her hair and daddy's money."
I shake Corbyn off of me and step closer to Stacy. "I'm going to ask one more time," I say, voice low. "Where. Is. Summers?"
She rolls her eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah," I whisper, "You do. And if you don't tell me right now, there's nothing stopping me from getting that information."
Her facial expression completely changes. It's like a new side of her is taking control. Instead of being a people pleaser or some bully, she looks like bad news. Her arms cross and she staggers her stance.
This isn't the Stacy I've known over the years.

"How about you mind your business Herron, yeah? Stop trying to play hero. Let the cops handle it and stay out of it." Her voice was low and threatening.

She had walked past me, purposefully bumping her shoulder on my arm.
I roll my eyes and turn around to watch her walk away.

"What do you think," Corbyn asks, "she meant by that?"
I cross my arms, "She knows something, whether it's where Summers is or what is happening to her, she knows what it is."

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