Chapter 15

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"Zach, come on we have to leave in fifteen minutes."
"Sorry. The boys were asking where I am. Had to tell them I'm with you," he responds, putting down his phone.
"Here you go you guys. Eat up before you leave would you?" Aunt Rita puts down a plate of sandwich squares and I smile. "Thanks Auntie."

"Oh," Zach says, mouth full. "This is delicious. Did you make it?"
She laughs, "Yes young man, I did. There's a variety. Peanut butter and jelly, turkey with tomato, lettuce and ranch, and even ham with gravy."

"Gravy and ham?" He questions. "Is that even good?"
I giggle, "Zach.. that's the one you're eating."
"Oh," he says, opening it up. "Well I like it."
I smile at him and grab a sandwich, continuing with my homework.

"Bye guys, I'll be home soon," I say, following Zach to his car. We get in and he starts driving to where I told him to.
When we arrive, I introduce him to the director of the building and many other people I see all the time.
The both of us put on gloves and start preparing to hand out plates of food to everyone who comes.

"Nice to see you're still around. I thought football would take you away from us."
I smile at the familiar face, "No way. I'll always make time for this place."
"You mean you'll always make time for me?" He winks and leans in to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Micah! Stop it," I giggle. I hand him a plate of food, "Here. I'll catch you later."

"Alright beautiful," he said, winking once more then walking away.
I roll my eyes at him and laugh. Micah is only 19 and he does this every time I'm here. I'm pretty sure he's flirting but sometimes I can't tell since it's his personality. He's been living in his car for over a year now, which is around the time I first met him.

"Who was that?" Zach had asked, giving someone a plate of food.
I shrug, "Micah. I met him here a year ago."
"Is he always that flirty with you?"
"No- well, I don't know. I've always let it pass over my head I guess."

Zach snakes a hand around my waist, leaning down to kiss the side of my head. "I don't want to sound rude but I want to be the only one who gets to be flirty with you."
I feel a soft smile creep up on my face, blushing at his words. "That's cute Zach, but less flirting and more handing out plates yeah?"

He laughs, "Okay boss, I'm on it."
I playfully roll my eyes at him and continue creating and handing out plates.
I quickly glance over at Zach, who is conversing with someone even after giving them some food.
I can't help but smile and blush at the sight of him doing something because of me. He willingly joined me tonight and it really means so much. All I can feel is the feelings I have for him growing bigger by the second, and I've just accepted it at this point.

Two weeks later
"That's the game, continuing our Panthers win streak and bringing them into the playoffs."
I immediately cheer with the team and crowd.
"WE'RE HEADED TO THE PLAYOFFS!" Corbyn had screamed.
"Y/n!" I hear Vinnie shout.
I smile and wave at him. "No, Y/n!" He shouts once more. I tilt my head at him with concern.
"One sec!" I shout back.

I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist, lifting me off the ground.
"Good job tonight Summers," Zach said.
He puts me down and I face him. "Back at you Herron."
He leans down placing a kiss on my cheek.
"Woah woah, have you two become official?" Daniel asks.

I giggle, "No."
"But you guys just casually kiss each other on the cheek?" Crawford joins in.
Zach shrugs, "We're figuring it out bro."
"And you haven't let this get in the way of football?" Jack chimes in.
Zach and I look at each other, shaking our head in sync.
Jack nods, "Mad respect. If I had a girlfriend on the team I'd be worried she would get hurt."

"Wait wait wait," Jonah's voice says, pushing through the boys. "Didn't you guys hate each other when you first met?"
"Wait yeah," Crawford agrees. "You were trying to come up with elaborate plans to get her kicked off the team."
Daniel slaps Crawford arm, and I turn my head to Zach. "... What?" I say in disbelief.

"It's not what it sounds like," Zach says.
"Then what does he mean by elaborate plans to kick me off the team?"
Zach bites his lip, "Okay, it's exactly what it sounds like."
"So when the team needed a kicker most, you couldn't accept that it was me? You couldn't accept that a girl was gonna be on the team?"

"Pft sounds about right," Crawford had said loud enough so I could hear.
"Dude shut up," Zach warns.
"Did you actually try to get me kicked off?" I say, keeping my cool.
Zach sighs, "At first, yeah. But-"
"But what?!" I say.
"Y/n.." he places a hand on my arm but I shake it off.
"Zach, we're a team. We're supposed to work together to thrive and win together. We're supposed to have a trust together, and I'm finding out that the trust we have built isn't stable? You tried to betray your own teammate like that? Would you try to get your other teammates kicked off or only me?"

"Y/n we need to talk," I hear Vinnie's voice.
I just stand there, staring at Zach waiting for a response as thoughts run through my mind.
I put so much trust in him, but to find out that he didn't trust me? Is what we have built off of fake trust?
No. You're overreacting Y/n. Zach has proven you can trust him.
But can I?
Should I even be questioning it if I could?

"Y/n!" V says sternly.
"Hm?" I hum, turning around to him.
"We need to talk. It's about your parents and brother." My mind shifts from what just happened to the words that was just said.
"Wh- what?" I stutter, feeling my breathing pick up.
"Not here," Vinnie says, voice low.
I shake my head, "No. Say it."

He takes a deep breath. "Someone paid a bail. They'll be out next week."
"Wh-what?" I question, not wanting to believe it. "You're lying. They still have about five years left."
He looks at me with sorrow, "Money can do a lot if thrown around by the right people."
"Wh-who- who would even bail them out?!"

I start to cover my mouth with my hand but it's shaking uncontrollably.
Zach starts guiding me to the bench where he lets me take a seat. The boys all stand there, looking concerned for me.
"The bailer is anonymous, but the county jail called this afternoon. They're being released on October 17th, next Friday."
"S-seven days?" I say, feeling completely out of breath.

Vinnie nods and takes a seat next to me. I hang my head between my legs.
No no no.
Who would spend money to bring back the three most hated people of this town?

Meanwhile, four days before

"Withdraw five hundred thousand dollars from my fathers bank account."
"Isn't that much?"
"It wouldn't even leave a dent. Once your done, mail it to the county jail for the Summers bail. There are some people who need to see their little girl."
"Put it under the name Hex. A certain someone will know exactly who it's from."

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