Chapter 6

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(I apologize if you don't understand some of the football references. The amount of research and stuff I had to learn to write this chapter is crazy lol. Also, I will be using the term 'field goal' which is three points.)

Friday, the first game of the season

I anxiously look at the scoreboard.
30-28, us losing by two.
There's a minute left on the clock, and I watch as Zach throws the ball towards our wide receiver. He misses the catch, bringing groans and nervous 'no's!' from the crowd.
It's fourth down now, and if we don't score, we lose.

"Timeout!" Coach Turner yells to the referee.
We take our last timeout and everyone huddles up.
"Coach what do we do?" Jonah huffs between breaths.
"It's fourth and goal, three points to win. They keep interfering with our plays. There's only one thing we can do.."

Everyone's head turns toward me.
"Do you think you can do it?" Zach asks.
I furrow my eyebrows at him, "A field goal to win the game?"
He nods, giving me a nervous look. I look around at all the guys faces, and they're all nervous. If I don't do this, I lose the game for us. I have to try.
I nod, "I'll try my best."

"What if your best isn't enough?" Zach said.
Daniel, who is huddled next to him, slaps his arm. "There's already a lot of pressure. Don't add more."
"Field goal then?" Crawford chimes in.
"That's the only way. Y/n, you got this," Coach Turner says.
I nod, and we all put our fists up in the air.
"One, two, three, Panthers."

Everyone needed for this play goes on the field.
"It looks like Y/n Summers, our schools first female on the football team, is going on the field. Panther fans let's make some noise!" The announcer said.
"Field goal! Field goal!" Someone on the other team yells.
I take a deep breath as we get ready for the play. "Set! HUT HUT!"
Daniel catches the ball, and I quickly run and kick it.
Anxiously, I watch the ball swiftly fly through the air and go straight into the post.
The whistle blows and the clock stops.
We all cheer, seeing that there is only 25 seconds on the clock.

The other team calls for a timeout, and we all huddle back up.
"Y/n you just won us the game!" Corbyn exclaimed.
I sheepishly smile and shrug.
"Thanks to Y/n, we are now in the lead. And we need to stay that way," Coach Turner says.
Everyone nods, and he starts going over what our defensive line has to do.

"Break!" We all say, and everyone, including me, goes on field.
I get ready for the kickoff, and run and kick the ball. They catch it and the whistle blows.
I get off field and our actual defensive line goes on field.
18 seconds on the clock. All they have to do is make sure they don't score.

The whistle blows and they start their play. I carefully watch the timer go down, being seconds away from winning. I look back at the field and see their quarterback throw the ball.
Out of nowhere, someone on our team had tackled down their wide receiver, making it an incomplete pass.
The whistle blows and they set up again, eight seconds left.
"Set, hut hut!"
Their quarterback gets the ball and frantically looks around.
He throws, but the buzzer rings, ending the game.

My teammates start cheering and I stand there in awe. I actually helped at winning the game.
"Y/n! Get over here!" Corbyn shouts. I smile real big and run over to the rest of the team.

"And that's the game everyone. Panthers beat the Bulldogs 31 to 30. Let's give it up for Y/n Summers, giving us the field goal we needed for the win!"

Corbyn and Daniel stand in front of me and look at each other.
"What are you two plotting?"
They smirk at each other and instantly grab my legs, lifting me up to sit of both their shoulders.
"WOOOO!!" The crowd cheers. I quickly blush and cover my face. If I can't see them, they can't see me.. sort of..
"Summers! Summers!" My teammates cheer.
I start to blush even harder underneath my hands.
I take a small peek and everyone is still looking at me and cheering. I remove my hands and lightly smile at everyone looking my way.
I didn't know winning could actually feel this good when you actually contribute.

I tap on the boys head, and they start putting me down. Some of the other guys approach me and give me high fives or hugs.
The bleachers start to empty out, except for the waiting families.

"Hey uh Y/n?"
I quickly turn around, and lightly tilt my head at Zach.
"Great job tonight."
A small smile starts to form on my face.
"I didn't think you were able to do it."
The smile fades away and I look down, shaking my head.
"You need to work on your compliments Herron. They suck." I say while walking past him towards the girls locker room.

"They're not that bad!" He shouts at me.
"You're right," I shout back. I then turn around and start walking backwards, "They're terrible!"
"Oh you little— come here!" Out of nowhere he starts chasing me. I quickly turn around and run away, laughing hysterically.
I juke him out and quickly swerve, running back towards the field.
I feel myself get swooped up from behind, Zach carrying me bridal style as he slows down to come to a stop.
He then throws me over his shoulder.

"Tell me my compliments are good," He says.
"Well that's not how you ask is it?"
I hear him scoff and can imagine the eye roll that I know he just did.
My eyes widen as he actually used polite words for once.
"I didn't even know that word was in your vocabulary, Herron."

He scoffs again and starts spinning in circles.
"I won't stop spinning you until you tell me that they're good," he laughs.
"Okay okay! Your compliments are good! Put me down!" I say while laughing.
He stops spinning and bent down, allowing my feet to touch the ground. I stand up straight, getting down from his shoulder.

I take a light breath in as he stood up. My hands dragged down from his shoulders to rest on his arms. His hands were on my hips from putting me down. My smile fades away the same time his does as I stare into his.. his.. beautiful brown eyes that hold a glare from the stadium lights.
My eyes slowly drifted to his mouth, watching as he let his tongue escape to dampen his lips.
My stomach started to twist, in a way I've never felt before. My eyes went back to his, and his eyebrows are lightly furrowed as if he's thinking the same thing.

What's happening right now? Why aren't any of us moving? It's like I'm frozen but I'm not. I'm paralyzed by his touch. What—
I jump at my name and look towards the voice. Aunt Rita and Vinnie are waving at me on the bleachers.

Being able to move again, I quickly step backwards, being released from Zach's grip.
He just looks at me with no emotion.
I clear my throat, "Ahem.. um, good job on the win tonight Zach."
He nods at me, "You too."
I quickly walk past him and towards Aunt Rita and Vinnie.

What the hell was that?

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