Chapter 19

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Your pov

I quickly bring my legs through my arms and put my tied hands behind me again. There's so much noise coming from downstairs. I don't want to risk them finding out I have a plan.
"Summers? SUMMERS?"
I hear that oh so familiar voice and my face drops. "Zach?!" I shout back.

I hear a loud thud and even more noise, until it suddenly stops and it's silent.
"Zach?!" I shout, worried. "ZACH?!"
The door starts to unlock and I stand up, waiting to see who is coming in.
Micah slowly opens it, nose and mouth slowly running with blood.
"What the hell? Where's Zach?"
He wipes his face with the back of his hand and points to his right.

"So this is the hero in your fairy tale huh?"
My body quivers at the voice. I watch as he drags Zach by the collar of his shirt, knocked out.
"Long time no see," he says.
"What did you do to him!" I yell.
"That's no way to greet your family is it now?"

My mom walks into view, and my brother awkwardly peeks his head in the doorframe.
"What did you do to him!!" I scream in anger.
Micah starts to lift Zach up, bringing him in here and leaving him on the floor.
"Let's just say he breathed in one too many chemicals."

I bring my hands to the front of me and caress his face, checking if he's alright.
"Is he why you look so messed up?" I look at Micah, comparing their faces. Zach doesn't have a single scratch on him but Micah.. his lips and cheek is starting to swell up.

He slowly nods and silently walks out, leaving me alone with my parents.
My dad starts walking in and I stand up, shielding him from Zach.
"Stay away from him," I threaten, keeping my voice steady.
"I didn't come all this way to see him did I?" His eyes shoot daggers into mine and I look away. He grabs ahold of my chin and forcefully turns my head to look at him. "I came to see you."

I push his hand off of me, "Don't touch me."
"Why not? Shouldn't I be able to look into my own daughters eyes?" He does the same exact thing, looking deep into my eyes.
I glare at him, "You're sick."
"No darling," he says. "I'm free."

His hand lets go of me and he starts walking back and forth in the room, slowly, as if he were in some movie, about to be sneak attacked.
"I'm out of that stupid cell. Free from the disgusting food, free from all those low life people in there."
I scoff and speak low. "You were in there too you know."

"I was in there because of you!" He snaps.
"But now I'm out. I'm free. And what are you?"
I roll my eyes, letting him continue his stupid speech he has going on.
"You're locked up, in here." He steps closer and puts a foot to my back knee, causing me to fall to the ground. "At my beck and call."
I look up at him. "I won't do shit for you," I reply, emphasizing the word.

"Y/n, y/n, y/n," he repeats. "Of course you won't. You didn't back then, why would you now?"
Anger starts to fill up my entire body. He shouldn't be here. He should be locked up in that cell where he belongs.

He circles behind me and stays there.
"I'll tell you why." I hear the sound of metal clicking together and feel a cold barrel press against the back of my head. "You have no power anymore. No help."

"Ted!" My mom whisper-shouts. "Not now. She said wait until she gets back!"
He groans, and I hear the same metal clicking, and my skull is released from the tension behind me.
He walks out of the room, stuffing the gun in his pocket, and closing the door.

I quickly run back to Zach and hold his face.
"Zach!" I whisper.
I lightly tap his cheek in hopes of waking him up. "Please Zach, get up."
He doesn't move. I lean down to place my forehead on his. "I'm sorry for dragging you here. For letting you become a part of my life.."
I feel myself start to tear up, and place my lips on his.

I lean my forehead on his again, hating myself for being the reason he is in this unconscious state.
I feel movement and our lips connect once more. I smile in the kiss, knowing it's him doing it. When we pull apart, I let a tear fall.
His hand comes up to my face and wipes it with his thumb. "Are you okay?"
"Am I okay? What about you! You were just asleep on the floor."

He sits up and leans against the bed, "I'm fine. But are you? Did Micah do anything to you?"
I shake my head, "No, he barely laid a finger on me. I think he feels sorry."
Zach rolls his eyes, "If he feels sorry then he wouldn't be keeping us in here."
His hands find their way to the ropes around my wrists and he starts to untie them.
"Come on, we're escaping."

I nod, and tell him all of the information I know.
"It took Micah around seven seconds to unlock the door and open it. I've been thinking up a plan but since there's two of us, we have to do it fast."
"Who was the person to wrapped their hands around my head? Was it Stacy? Is she here?"

I look at him weirdly, "Stacy? What does she have anything to do with this."
He finally unties me and we continue to use the bed as cover from the camera.
"Stacy is the mastermind behind all of this. She's been paying Micah and she's most likely the reason for your parents bail."

"W-what?" I say in shock. "The psycho is a jealous kidnapper too?"
Zach nods.
I groan and brush it off. "Well since you're here, our escape rate just went up a little higher."
"Yeah? So what's the plan?"
I nod towards the window. "Break the window, then everyone will start coming up and trying to get in."

We both get up and Zach starts moving everything he can in front of the door.
"Okay, then?"
I look out the window at the two story drop.
"We jump."

He nods, and I help him move the bed in front of the door.
"That should buy us enough time to jump and run," I say.
"My car is down the street. We run there okay?"

I nod, and I pull out the drawer from the night stand. "Ready?"
Zach nods, and I smash the window through, making sure all the shards are off the frame.
"Go," I tell him.
He jumps out the window, carefully landing. The door starts to unlock, and I quickly jump out.

Zach helped catch me, and we immediately dash towards his car, hand in hand.
We get there and we open the doors, quickly getting in. Zach hands me his phone from the cup holder and starts the car, driving away.
"Call Corbyn. Tell him to meet us at the police station alright?"
I nod, and quickly call him, doing exactly what Zach said.

The station took very good care of me. They gave me a blanket and some food as Zach and I answered their questions, filling them in with no detail behind.
"I urge you guys to stay here until we raid the house. I'll go let the Captain know."
The nice cop man leaves Zach and I in this interrogation room, and he opens his arms for me to lean in.
We embrace in a comforting hug, and sit there in silence.

We hear a lot of commotion come from outside, so we pull apart and open the door, to see a bunch of cops walking around in a fast manner.
"What's going on?" Zach asked as one passed by us.
She sighs and looks at me, nodding her head for us to follow her. She takes us into the Captains office who is looking worriedly at a piece of paper.

"Captain, Y/n Summers.."
He nods and dismissed her, allowing us to come in.
"What's going on?" I ask him.
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"We have a hostage situation. Ted Summers called and said if we don't hand you over to him, he will kill the seven hostages he has."

My breathing picks up, "W-what?!"

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