Chapter 13

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The weekend whizzed by in a blink of an eye and I was so anxious to show up to school.
Zach had stopped by on Saturday at the coffee shop. We may have kissed again, which might be why I'm so anxious to see him today.

Walking into school, I got more attention than ever. A lot of people came up to me and either introduced themselves, apologized for god knows what, or straight up hugged me then leave. It was confusing and I got very overwhelmed.

I finally reached my locker, letting my head hang in as I calm myself. What the heck happened and why is everyone being so nice to me?

"Ms. Summers?"
My head shoots up and to my left, Mrs. Owens stands in front of me, arms crossed.
She clears her throat, "I saw what happened over the weekend. I'd like to apologize."
My eyebrows furrow, "Apologize? For what?"
"For comparing you to David and thinking so poorly of you. I knew nothing about the situation and it was very unprofessional of me to assume that I did."

My eyebrows raise and I start to feel a small smile form. "Thank you ma'am. I'm sorry for giving attitude back."
She shakes her head, "You wouldn't have an attitude if I didn't give one to you first. I'll see you in class."

She walks off and I stand there dumbfounded. What the- did she just say she saw what happened at Stacy's party? How does she know what happened?
"There's our badass teammate," Crawford's voice rings throughout the hallway.
I look at him approaching me with Daniel and Zach. My heart had skipped a beat from the sight of him.

"What did Owens want?" Zach asked, crossing his arms.
"She.. apologized for being rude to me," I shook my head. "She also said she 'saw what happened over the weekend.' What does that even mean? Was she at Stacy's house??"

"Oh," Daniel sighs.
"Oh? What's oh? Why oh? What happened?"
"Nothing bad Summers, nothing bad," Crawford reassures.
Daniel pulls out his phone, opening up some social media. "Someone took a video of what happened and uploaded it. It's been shared and reposted and has been trending throughout the whole town."

"What?!" I say as he shows me the video. Sure enough, someone did capture that night. "How long has this been going around?"
"It was uploaded on Saturday but people started sharing it yesterday," Daniel said.
My eyes widen in surprise, "Is this what you call going viral?"

Crawford laughs, "Haha, yeah."
My eyes widen again, but with confirmation. "Is this why everyone has been so nice to me today..?" I ask.
"Probably. Stacy got a lot of backlash, but not the good kind. I'm pretty sure no one likes her right now." Daniel says.

I nod at the two of them, then look at Zach, who's deeply staring at me.
Daniel and Crawford had gone into their own conversation, but I tuned them out as I look at Zach. He scrunches his eyebrows and tilts his head to the side. I slightly nod back at him, and grab my science stuff.

"I'm gonna head to class boys. I'll see you later," I say, shutting my locker and leaving them behind.
"Yeah," I hear Zach say. "My history teacher already put me on a warning. Later."

I continue walking down the hall and feel a hand guide me into the courtyard.
The door shuts and Zach places his hands on my waist. "Are you sure Owens didn't say anything mean to you?" He looked at me with concern.
I nod, "Yeah. She fully apologized and it took me by surprise."
He brought his hand up to my face and his thumb starts rubbing my cheekbone, "Well are you okay? You didn't look so well before she approached you."

"I'm fine, but are you stalking me from a distance Herron?" I tease at him.
He playfully scoffs, "No, I was gonna head over to you but Owens beat me to it."
"And why were you heading over to me?"
He looks at my lips, "So I could do this."
He leans down, lightly placing a kiss on my lips.

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