Chapter 21

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I constantly fiddle with my ear, feeling nervous as to where I'm being taken.

"Lincoln Avenue. You just passed it, are you sure you don't want to go there?" I ask.

My dad groans, "Shut up."

"I got us out of there alive, and you're telling me to shut up? Why don't you turn up ahead on Union street? I'm a bit hungry- oh and you passed it."

"Shut up!" He yells this time.

"I won't until you make me. Oh look, we should pull into this McDonalds up ahead. Where are we? Main Street?"

I hear the sound of metal clicking and see a gun pointed straight at my face. "Will this make you shut up?"

I fiddle with my ear, "Oh, you still have a gun."

"Yeah, and I'm not afraid to shoot you where it hurts either."

I roll my eyes, "You won't do shit."

"Oh yeah?"

I lean forward and press my forehead against the barrel. "Yeah. You won't. You need me alive for something."

My mom grabs his arm and pulls it away, "She's right."

He groans once more and puts the gun away, continuing to drive. He starts turning into a secluded area, where a black SUV sits alone. He parks and quickly gets out, and everyone else follows.

Opening my door, he nods his head. "Get out."

I do as he says and he pushes me into the black car.

"Why did we switch to a black SUV parked by this white building by Aspen Drive?"

"God, why are you so specific with everything?" David finally chimes up.

I shrug, "A messed up family comes with a lot of questions."

"We're not messed up-"

"Oh really?" I interrupt. "What family kills a little girl, goes to jail, gets a bail out of nowhere, and kidnaps their own blood?"

"Okay, fair point."

"Be quiet back there," Dad threatens.

I roll my eyes and lean closer to David. "Is this really what you want to be doing? You're out now aren't you? You can do whatever you want now, not be involved with them."

He shakes his head, "It's not that simple."

"But isn't it?"

I left him speechless and he didn't say another word. I've always felt that my brother didn't want to be involved with anything. That he has a soft spot and wants an out. There's an out now, so why isn't he taking it?

"Oh look, I love that restaurant over there on Grant Drive. They serve some pretty mean chicken," I say, fiddling with my ear.

The car keeps moving and I keep up my shenanigan, trying to name every street we pass by. The car takes a turn in this broken down looking warehouse. "A warehouse on Woodland Road? Really? A bit cliche isn't it?"

He parks and gets out, followed by everyone else including me.

He takes out his gun and points it at me, making me lead the way.

"Go, up the stairs to the second floor."

I fiddle, "Second floor of this broken down building? Seriously?"

"Go." He had said more sternly. I listen to his directions and when we get to the second floor, a blonde female figure is waiting.

"Stacy." I greet, playing with my ear still.

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