Chapter thirteen

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"Oh dear god YOU CAN'T PUT CAPTAIN AMERICA POGS IN STORES YET! It's wayyyyy too early!" I said angrily into the phone.

"Sir, you can't wait another century! The store wants to pay a hefty price for them!" My business attorney replied calmly.

"Fine. How much?"

"100,000." He said, as my mouth opened in completely shock.

"1-100....1-100....oh my god...Uh...give me like two seconds." I said, scrambling around in my new smallish New York City apartment for a pen and paper.

I did the math and I stared down at the numbers before me.

"Take the deal. If it the Pogs pay well, we could come out millionaires my friend." I said excitedly.

"Yes sir!" He said, sounding more chipper.

I grinned before hanging up, sitting back in my chair with the look of pure happiness. 'Course, I never do need to worry about money nowadays, but 100,000 dollars seems to be the best price to get paid. Hell, I don't really care about the money, but moreso the kids who are gonna buy those Pogs! It's Captain America for crying out loud! Who wouldn't buy them?!

They're exciting enough as it is, and, I'm gonna be a millionaire!! First thing I'm going to do is buy me a big boat! You know, if my parents let me that is. 'Course they should, and with a boat I can totally take Japan with me and we can go anywhere he wants...

I remember tearing up a bit at the thought, wow, I never cried over a boy before. Well, actually, I don't cry over anyone really. Man this must be a big deal then. You know, if I'm crying over people now.

I'm not getting soft though! Cuz like, heroes don't get soft! I MEAN, well, I don't...especially if Japan's around. If you catch my drift ladies or lads. Anyway, okay okay, maybe I do get soft sometimes. I'm not cold-hearted. Well not fully, so that's a thing.

Honestly guys, I love Japan. He's changed me, and I sorta changed him. We haven't used 'love' in the vocabulary yet but that doesn't mean we don't say it. We say it in our touches, in our emojis, and in the ways we influenced one another. Sure it's a bit cheesy, but heck, when you're in love, you tend to forget the things that made you look loserly.

Anyways, so that's a thing. I know I know, sentimentality isn't what I'm used to, but hey, when you're in love, things tend to change you. So the month dragged on, and on, and on.

A few things happened, though I don't wanna bore you on the details. Like, this one time I was almost robbed in my own place! Like wow, 'course he didn't succeed. Considering the fact many people aren't okay with certain people being able to pick up a car, it was certain he wasn't going to bother me again.

The month continued anyway, and before I knew it, it was time to come home. It wasn't a long plane ride, but it sure felt like it when I thought about Japan the whole time, since, well you know, I fricken missed the guy.

Getting off the plane was the most easiest task that day, since I'm sure you've read Matt's perspective. But let me tell you about mine.

So like, I'm dragging along my suitcase, and I can't find Mattie anywhere and I'm getting pissed cuz his plane should have landed already so I have to wait there like five freaking minutes and ugh. I'm a very impatient person really, just the New York side I must add.

That's when I notice the little blonde dude at the pay phone, looking nervous. A thought occurred to me.
'Didn't I pass that pay phone like eighteen times? Whoops.'

I grab his shoulder and he spins around, something glinting in his eyes before disappearing. Weird. It's like he was expecting someone else or something I don't know. What is he hiding?

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