Chapter sixteen

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After we said our goodbyes, and after a long lingering kiss, I sped off home, realizing stupidly that I spent the whole day there. Also considering the fact I had like ten missed calls from a blocked number, which I'm sure y'all know who.

I didn't bother calling him back though, he stopped calling anyway, probably thinking I'd be pretty damn fine anyway when I texted France and actually told him where I was.
So, when I got home, I found that the lights were off and the house was pretty well dark, but was actually surprised to find Mattie's bed still empty, and the car still gone.

I learned now to not really ask questions, but then I was like 'the fuck is my bro?'
I woke up bright and early, well usually, it was about ten when I woke up. I headed downstairs to fix myself a bowl of cereal, still surprised Matt wasn't up yet.

'Eh,' I thought, 'I'll wake him up later.'

I went back upstairs to play the new game Matt got me, but I kinda avoided it after one particular scene when someone cut off another ones head. You'd think I'd be used to that by now.

I texted a few friends to pass the time, not texting Japan just yet since I knew he was pretty busy today with the cherry blossoms or whatever.
I checked the time. Wait, 3:00?! Where the hell is Mattie?

I peeked inside his room to find him still sleeping peacefully with the covers drawn up to his chin. I frowned.

"K what the heck." I said, running downstairs to grab a pretty large pot.

"Don't kill me." I said, before banging on it incredibly loud, waking him with a start.

He cursed pretty bad, (something even I shouldn't repeat), and I put up my hands defensively.

"Well sorry bro, but it's like, three." I smirked, before heading out the door.

I heard him whisper inaudible words before he headed to the bathroom. I shrugged and headed downstairs, smelling the sweet aromas of carrots, mashed potatoes, and succulent pork. I hankered down as much as I could as France and England talked. I ignored them at first before I felt a smack to the shoulder.


"Wait for you brozher." France said, waving his finger at me.

"Whatever." I frowned before I stopped eating.

Two seconds later, and I'm not even kidding or anything, literally two seconds later he appeared out of thin air. Like dude! It's like he was sitting there the whole time! It was creepy but kinda cool.

I grinned over at him and tossed a carrot towards Dads head. Why not? Dude deserves it. Mattie gave a little laugh and threw mashed potatoes at Papas face. Hilariously done, my good man!

"Ah! My 'air!" He screeched, wiping away the potato carefully, as if it would make that any better.

"Who threw that?" He asked.

Rude. I looked over to see poor Matt heartbroken. Poor bro. I shrugged and said that it was Mattie, and then Papa did something stupid and asked who Matt even was. Like, know your own son!

Matt looked down sadly as Dad smacked France's head hard. "Your son is sitting right there you bloody git!" He hissed darkly.

Couldn't help but give him that one for today. Finally Papa noticed Matt again, asking when Matt even came here. Mattie replied that he was already here, making things even more awkward if you could imagine.

"Oh. Okay, now, who dares challenges zhe great France?!" He said, looking at us with mischief.

I smirked and started tossing anything I saw in a two centimetre radius. Oh hell no I ain't losing to a bunch of old men! Take that! And that! Oh and that! I laughed a lot during that meal, something I don't do unless I'm with Matt or Japan. Didn't even notice Matt gone, sad to say.

"'as anyone seen my Mathieu?" Papa asked a bit later.
I patted my belly as I helped clean the joint. "So!,"I asked, "what's for dinner?"

"Are you serious? We just had lunch not even two minutes ago!"

"Your point?" I asked.

"....right, well, your father invited Gilbert and his new girlfriend over for dinner later. Key word 'later' America." Dad said definitely.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever. I'm going upstairs so don't bother me 'til supper." I mumbled before hurrying upstairs.

I peaked into Matt's room to see him staring intently at his computer. Wonder what for. Whatever. Something to do with Facebook I think, but I forgot.

That's when I realized something....oh god! That loser Prussia was coming over? I hate that guy! He's such an idiot. His eyes are creepy red and he has the same white hair as Dumbledore for crying out loud! And they're the same age! Prussia's older!
God I hope I don't have to deal with that guy long tonight. Wonder if his girlfriends hot....
A couple hours of GTA and Japan, I found myself sitting beside Dad and Papa, eating the most disgusting and gross food available to man. I can't even call it food, jeez. I stuck some in my pockets for later 'cause let's be honest, it's food whether or not it's been through the firry depths of hell.

Midnight snack!

I looked around and studied Prussia's girlfriend. She was pretty, and I could tell she hated the food 'cause of the poor pain in her eyes. Prussia was hurting too, but I just thought that was funny.

After about thirty more minutes of horror, we decided to get all cozy and head to the den. Matt kept scratching his arms, and I knew he was pretty un comfortable. Definitely because Prussia, since that guy can make people feel creeped out in a ten mile radius.

We talked about different things, but it was pretty boring. I snagged some wine when no one was looking so that's the only bonus about that night. And another thing, how the hell did Prussia get a hot one like that?

Although, hate to admit it 'cause I hated the guy, he didn't look that...happy. Usually when ya love someone you look happy right?
Well, he didn't. Even though I hate him, doesn't mean I don't want him to be happy.
Especially those really blue contacts. Man those must've sucked.

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