Chapter twenty-two

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"GET THE HELL OFF MY BROTHER YOU PERVERT." I screamed, launching myself at Prussia before fiercely turning him around to rip him a new one.

I socked him hard into his stupid albino face, as cheers raged on for moi! I kicked him hard against his stupid leg as he tried to defend himself. He punched me hard in the stomach as I feigned injury, before surprising him with the Ol' one two!

I barely heard Mattie's cries over the amazing sound of Prussia's bones breaking and re-knitting themselves.

Then utter silence.

I felt myself being dragged forcefully across the room, all signs of fighting leaving me entirely as I watched Prussia tumble to the floor, a small dribble of blood dripped down from the corner of his lips. He looked up at me, without a single glance of anger, but...remorse. As if he knew something I didn't. What could it have been, I don't know, but something tells me he wasn't looking up at me, but the figure dragging me to the other side of the crowded room.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU AMERICA?!" Matt screamed at me, as I stood there, rubbing my arm as I watched him.

I wasn't angry, after I left Prussia in almost stitches, the anger was gone.
I looked to my left and watched Prussia run towards the stairs to go to the bathroom to clean himself up. And I turned back to my right, angry tears sprouting from my brothers eyes.
I gulped, not knowing what Matt could even do at this point, but something told me he'd probably kill me if I didn't try to apologize.

"Look, I'm sorry Ma-"

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE." He yelled, as everybody gasped.

I didn't even flinch, I couldn't. What I did was, well, completely unforgivable, because right then and there I saw the actual love in his eyes and I knew.

Silence filled the air again when the music turned off and the lights turned on, but I felt everybody staring at us, it was then that I felt the true fear Matt could make.

He started to truly cry then, bawling really. I froze, transfixed as he uttered the words that I really had known all along but refused to accept.

"What c-can't you see I love him?"

He turned away from me then, but something moved deep within me and I reached out to him, before taking him and cradling him as a brother should.

"I'm sorry Bro. I'm sorry." I whispered down towards him, as he turned slowly and cried softly into my shoulder.

It was then that the rest of our family joined us, their warm embrace helped us a lot that night. I wrapped my arms around my family and shut my eyes for a moment, because I knew right then and there I would tell my father's that I was in love with Japan. I just had to.

Mattie whimpered, breaking away for a moment as he studied everybody's face.

"D-Don't tell him. D-Don't, please."

We didn't.
We went home quietly, nobody saying a word. I mean, really, what could you say at a time like this?
I didn't sleepy well that night. I was scared about the next day, I was scared about admitting something I kept within me for months. I was scared.
What am I going to do?
It was early in the morning when I made my descent downstairs, as I heard Matt quietly snoring from his room. I stepped downstairs looking around for any sign of life yet, until my eyes landed on a disgruntled Dad sitting in the corner, no France in sight.
Taking a sharp intake of breath, I bravely finished my journey downstairs and approached him.

His face wasn't yet shaved, hair not combed, and worry-lines practically took up most of his face. What I was about to tell him might send him over the edge again, but for the honesty that might be able to save the last strands of our relationship, I was willing to take that chance.

He pushed a strand of hair away from his face and sat straight up.

"Oh, uh, good morning America. I was just-"

"Thinking?" I finished his sentence for him.

"Oh, yes, quite right too. Bloody thoughts kept me up all night." He chuckles nervously, adjusting his seat.

Dad was never this twitchy, even if he was worried. Maybe something about last night really got to him... What could it have been?

"Dad are...are you alright?" I asked, surprisingly myself with my general concern.

"Hmm? Oh...well, to be honest America, I am not. Nor am I not too fond of the events that took place last night thank you." He muttered.

"Look, I know what I did was wrong, I get it now. I just-"

"America," he said firmly, "We raised you better then this. To think you of all people-"

"What about me?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Could be such...such a-"


"A homophobe!" He cried, rubbing his tired eyes before I burst out laughing.

"What?! Me? Are you kidding!" I laughed a little harder, as he stared at me with such shock.

"Well, your actions last night led me to believe you are one, yes." He said formally.

"Dad. I'm not. Really! My father's are gay, my brother is gay, and I'm-"
I stopped then, his eyes widened in almost disbelief before they softened.

"You're..?" He asked, but I can tell he had already known.

"" I mumbled awkwardly, almost slapping myself for letting it go so quickly.

"Who is he?" Britain asked, as I stared down at my feet.

"...Japan..." I sighed.

I didn't look at him yet, what would he say? What I didn't expect was a fierce hug that would've left a mortal dead in a few seconds, only made me really, really breathless.

"I'm so proud of you." He smiled, pulling away.

"Um...? Thanks dad.." I said, becoming a little flustered before watching him a little while longer.

"What happens now?" I asked, as I noticed France come downstairs next.

"Well. Whatever you want to happen son." Britain smiled as France walked over.

I turned to look at France and smiled. Maybe things could be finally fixed again.

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