Chapter twelve

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So, I snuck out one night. I know I know, it's so cliche but like, I just had to see him ya know? It's different.
I did it really stereotypical too, like I swear there was the 'Pink Panther' theme in the background.

I tip-toed down halls, I somersaulted across the kitchen floor, hell, I even swung from the ceiling!
Okay maybe that's a bit overboard. Nah man, I went out the back door and started running like last time.

He didn't know I was coming, so it was funny when he opened the door to find me all sweaty and stuff before I tackled him with kisses-
Yeah. Let's just say I spent the night right. And it kinda sucked getting up at five and running back to my house. Ugh.

This went one for about a week, and I was hella tired but hella satisfied. Sounds bad but I'll leave you to the imagination.
It wasn't like I was using him, that's totes not me. I really really loved him, and needed him. Sometimes those needs were different for him and me.

There's a side to Japan that y'all don't know. He likes being touched, he likes the feel of my hand brushing against his. It's behind closed doors that he lets himself go, and that's okay with me. It's kinda the same when you think about it, I let myself go as we...uh, talk.

What I mean by letting myself go behind closed doors is how often I feel compressed and smothered by the overwhelming pressure to be always the 'hero' of a situation. I don't see myself as the big hero in the scenario as much as I used to now. All I see is a big loser who binges every damn chance he gets. It's so hard to be eccentric and happy all the time! Hell, if I knew this back then, let's just say me and Dad would be on completely different terms than now.

I don't mean I let myself go sexually, I mean completely. I let him see me cry and break down, I let him see what bruises Dad left me in, or what felt broken. Japan knows so much about me you see, some parts that are not so easly seen by the naked eye. Japan sees me for who I am, who I want to be, and most importantly, who I would become. He's always one step ahead of me, that one.


Life was a bit better after my many visits to Japan. Actually, better than a bit, hell, it was damn good!

"No way bro," I frowned, "Clark Kent's disguise is hella sweet!." I proclaimed to Mattie before he too frowned.

"A-Al, he wears glasses and a tie. Blue from Blue's C-Clues could figure out h-his disguise." He replied sassily.

"LALALALALALA not listening!" I cried, covering my ears and looking upwards.

"H-Hoser.." Matt muttered before looking over to see Dad approaching us.

I uncovered my ears and he approached me and Mattie with a sort of smug look, before handing us two envelopes before trying to walk away when Matt gasped. He grabbed Dad and hugged him tight, much to our mutual surprise. Dad rolled his eyes but I saw a small smile forming on his lips.

"A-Al! Open yours!" He said excitedly, before I hurriedly opened mine.

"Oh my god..." I whispered, before looking up to see Dad looking towards me, with the smile remaining. I returned the smile and awkwardly hugged him, before he hurried away to the kitchen, firmly shutting the kitchen door shut behind him.

In my hand I held the ticket to salvation, or in actual terms, the ticket to FREEDOM!( AKA America!) "Course, even Freedom herself has a price. Me and Mattie would be traveling alone, which even I knew I wasn't ready for. I mean like, the sexy that radiates around me naturally could kill all the ladies!

(Kidding Japan. Please don't kill me.)


"Matthew, you're going to be perfectly fine by yourself! Isn't it what you wanted?" Dad asked a worried Mattie one day, particulary the day before our trip.

"Well, y-yes-"

"Good boy. now go on then! Big day tomorrow, off to bed!" He cried, shooing both me and Matt to bed.


"Goodnight!" Dad called, before heading to his room.


"5;00am?!? I didn't even know there was such a thing!" I yawned grumpily as Papa drove us to the airport.

"~Ohonhonhonhonhon, I get to go back to sleep dear America, have fun wizh zhe jet lag!"

"Could definitely feel the love there Papa, thanks for that." I mumbled.

"Merci, now, your fazher will be here to pick you up in exactly a monzh!" He said with a quick yawn.

"We love you, I 'ope you know." He sighed, becoming serious.

I smiled, "Funny way of showing it, but yeah, I love you too."

Mattie rubbed his eye sleepily and hugged Kumajiro against his chest before kissing Papa on the cheek. "J-Je'taime."

Papa smiled, but I saw him rub something other then sleep from his eyes.

"Be careful, Au reviour mon fils!" He said, before driving off, leaving us at the front.

I slipped my hand into my bro's before we walked inside. I could already tell this was going to be a long month. I'm gonna really really miss Japan, and Mattie, and definitely my Xbox.

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