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I looked around at what, I, Alfred F. Jones, accomplished these last few months. Everything fell into place after he proposed to me, but, after everybody came home to find me and Japan cuddling on the couch, things sort of escalated right there.

The most hilarious thing to come out of that was that Dad left home for only like thirty minutes to come back and find his son a fiancé.
It was a very interesting dinner that night mind you, but, hey, at least it didn't suck huh?

We got married in a little town called Vegas, Nevada. Oh yes, but not actually eloped because everybody we knew pretty much showed up. It was pretty late too, so it was kinda funny to see the Pastors face as around eighty some countries showed up at the very small church's doorstep.

Japan and I didn't mind, as we stood up there in our kickass black suits that reminded me of James Bond, as he exchanged those gold bands, before everybody clapped so hard the building was almost knocked down!

We laughed, we drank, and pretty much had the greatest wedding night ever if you catch my drift.
When we paid our hotel bill, I remember walking out of the place with a helluva lotta guilt.

"You know how to fix a bed frame!" Japan told me as we left.

"Listen, we left already. Too late now. They'll find out sooner or later."

We were married on a Saturday, July 12th, 2014. Nothing was ever compared to that day, because that day was the greatest day of my life.
Today, well, was July 25th, 2014. Barely a month that I've been married but hot damn I loved it.

I stood at the fireplace in our really nice house as Japan hummed away in the kitchen. I was simply staring at our wedding picture, and it was beautiful.
Japan's eyes were glinting, mine were shining as he and I watched each other from under the MGM's lights.
I tore my eyes away when I heard the door bell ring then.

I walked over, looking at the time as I passed.

"Six already? I wonder who it is-"

"I shourd answer it!" Japan cried from the kitchen as he scrambled in it.

"Oh it's no problem! I got it anyway." I said as I heard a quick 'no!' from behind me.

I had already opened the door and squinted my eyes as my smile melted away.

"Oh. It's you." I muttered as Prussia stood there, nervously and awkwardly.

"H-Hello! Vould it be okay if I came in?" He asked.

"No." I said firmly.

"Ignore him. Come on in." Japan smiled from behind me.

"Japaaaannnn!" I whined.

"Shut up. Come inside, we're cooking dinner if you'd rike to stay!"

"Oh no, I have dinner vaiting for me at home anyvay." He smiled awkwardly.

"I need to ask America a quick question if you don't mind, Japan." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh! That's arright, I'rr go finish dinner." Japan smiled before heading to the kitchen.

"Listen man, for the last freakin' time, I don't have your lawnmower!" I hissed.

"Vhat? Oh. Oh! No, zhis isn't about zhat." He said, as he went to sit on MY couch, where I SIT.

"Hell no! Off! My side." I said angrily, before he quickly scooted down, way far to the other side.

I smirked at myself for being so awesome before he said the words that were so NOT awesome.

"I'd like to ask for your...blessing." He said quietly.

"For?" I frowned.

"I vant to ask your brozher to marry me." He said.

My eyes popped almost out of my face.

"Nope. Hell no. Out of the question."

"Please? I promise to love him zhe rest of my life! Really!"

"It'll be the rest of your life if you don't leave right now!"

He flinched but, surprisingly, didn't back down.

"He loves me. Vhat do you vant to see, your brozher happy, or see him completely miserable?" He shot back.

I stood up and loomed over him, my hands clenching into fists.

"Are you challenging me?" I glared.

"No. No I'm not, all I'm asking is your blessing." He said, staring up at me.

For a moment, I had a flash of his face again, once more staring up at me, his face bloody and bruised and I shivered.
I stared at him for a few moments and sighed.

"Okay." I said.

"Vait, vhat?"

" I said, okay. Go ahead. But if you EVER hurt him, I will not only hurt you, I will find a way to legitimately kill you." I said, pointing a finger down at him.

He nodded quickly and scrambled up, dropping something as he ran out the door. I picked up the velvet box and actually smiled, before running over to the door and calling after him.

"You forgot something dumbass."

"Hmm? Oh. Oh! Sorry about zhat haha." He laughed nervously before I tossed him the box.

"And, by zhe vay, don't tell him. He'll probably come here to tell you first, but, pretend to be surprised, if you don't mind."

I sent him a rare smile, "Yeah. Yeah I will. Don't fuck it up." I warned him.

"I von't. Thank you America!"

He sped off as fast you could say matrimony. I turned back to the house and watched Kiku looking outside the kitchen window, positively beaming at me. I grinned back before going back inside the house, to Finally join my happy ending.

The End
Well. Here's the plan:
Edit the fuck outta Fixed.
Make some more changes on this piece of candy account.
Then maybe possibly do something with a certain pair of fathers who need to know what love is too.
A commenter commented about them and a name and I'm like omg I love you.
Wanna know something crazy? This was actually going to be called 'Freedom' tbh and tho story was supposed to be released like two years ago but I just had to do Found first.
So it was pushed back and I got to plan it more :)
I love you guys. I'll catch ya later okay?

Finally~AmeriPanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora