Chapter five

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I awoke bright and early the next morning, readying and mentally preparing myself for that night. Especially considering I had to face both of my dad's, and my brother I felt I abandoned. How the hell am I supposed to cope with it? I guess I'll be alright if Kiku came, at least there won't be fighting present when he's there. I'll just try not to think about it when he leaves.

And I'm sure that's when the REAL fun will begin.


Japan had me dress up in this suit and tie sort of style. I told him specifically that I wouldn't need too, but he just waved me off and made me wear it anyway.

It was around five when we left, and the sense of nervousness I had was through the roof. What the hell was I gonna say to them? Sorry for running away? I had no idea, and I just wanted to stay at Japan's house, lying on my bed and trying to control my anger.

"I really don't want to do this Japan." I said clear as day.

"We can't be rude America. They are stirr expecting us." He stated plainly.

"It's still stupid."

"Don't worry, you know they won't make you do something that you don't want to do. They are your famiry you know."

"Yeah, whatever Japan." I mumbled.

I hate when he's right, because it totally means that I'm only half as right. Ugh. Being a hero can sometimes be annoying too.


"I'm not going in."

"You're going in."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. Don't be a baby."

As you can see, we made it to my house. And, well, I wasn't as cooperative. I cautiously got out of the car and stared up at the house with a glare. Kiku calmly went up to the porch and rose his hand to knock on the door. I quickly followed him and grabbed his hand.


"America, we can't be rude. We arready agreed to be here."

"No Japan, YOU agreed, I didn't." I replied with an angry tone.

"Be carm okay? We'rr be fine."

"I won't be. You might be though." I mumbled.

"Might be vhat?" A voice asked behind us.

I spun around and hid a frown.

"Ah, hallo America und Japan! Coming to dinner too huh?" Prussia asked, and I was already annoyed.

"Yes, it's wonderfur to see you again Prussia." Japan answered for me.

I nodded and turned back around, rolling my eyes quickly. Great, I had to deal with this douche too. What a great evening this is turning out to be.

Japan raised his hand and gently knocked on the door. There was silence for a moment and I felt hope that nobody was home, that is, until the door swung open rather hastily.

I stared into the eyes of my dad. 'Course, I didn't look long before turning away. I slipped past him after he made his greeting to the other two and we all sat down to eat.

As I waited patiently for my food, I dared to look up at Papa and Mattie. Papa wasn't looking over at me just yet, as if he was in a mental battle with himself not to. Mattie looked...almost happy. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but...he looked different for some weird reason. He probably got a haircut. Or he's happy to see me. Which everybody should be, well, others possibly not.

I decided to focus on the good food Francis has obviously made right in front of me. I sipped at the wine and took a huge bite from my cheese square when I noticed a new type of food on the table. I blinked and saw it was a mix of cheese, gravy, and fries. It had looked incredibly delicious, and my stomach ended up growling for it.

Before I could get my hands on it though, that stupid Prussian took it away and helped himself before shoving it back over to me. I gritted my teeth but forced a smile before scooping some onto my plate, and shoving it over to Mattie. I took a bite before I gasped.

"This is wickedly cool yo!" I announced excitedly.

"The taste is excellent!" I continued before turning to Francis.

"How did you make this, dude?! It's amazing!" I cried, before shoving more into my mouth hungrily.

I looked over and realized I had completely forgotten about Kiku, as he tenderly sipped his wine and talked to Dad easily. I smiled sadly and poked at my food for a bit after that. I didn't actually think I would leave Kiku already... I mean, I just thought I would be leaving with him after this, but now I'm thinking that's not going to happen.

Am I gonna really belong here after all this time?

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