Chapter twenty-three

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"Isn't it beautiful??" France asked excitedly as he cradled my face in his hands.

I coughed awkwardly and nodded before he pulled away and cuddled against Britain, which to my surprise, didn't pull away this time.

Britain smiled and sighed.

"My kids better not have a hard time in this world or I'll make sure those bastard know what the taste of REAL tea is like." He hissed to himself, which was a very ungentlymen thing to say.

I snickered as France patted his arm. I couldn't believe it, I did it! I finally got my family back! This was it. This was the good thing coming, and I couldn't be more happier.

I watched Britain sigh for a moment before we heard a few thuds upstairs.

"Looks like Matt's awake." I said, as France stood up suddenly.

"I 'ave to speak to 'im, and I'm sure you do too." He said down to Britain, as Britain nodded silently as France headed upstairs.

Britain and I sat there in a comfortable silence before he stood up too.

"Well, I'd better start breakfast." He said to me before turning towards the kitchen doorway.

"Oh no." I said, scrunching up my face in disgust for a moment before he turned to me.

"Why don't...why don't you help me, son." He said, a little hesitant for calling me it.

I beamed and hurried after him.

"You got it Dad."
Britain left me to finish up the not-so burnt bacon, so he too could speak to Matt. France came downstairs looking satisfied and happy, which could probably mean a lot of things but I won't go too far into that subject right now.

We set up the table and watched both Britain and Canada come downstairs together, before I grabbed Canada and gave him the hugest hug that I could.

"Dude, I support you, and I told Dad and Dad about Japan." I grinned as he grinned back.

"T-Thanks Al. Thank you so much."

I nodded with another smile as I said, "No bro, thank YOU!" before we both went to sit at the table.
It was around two when I watched Canada back out of the driveway to head to Prussia's.
There wasn't any secrets anymore, nothing to hide in this family. We were completely, finally, happy. And that's all I wanted really.
I swear if my brother comes back pregnant I will punch him.

Never mind it isn't possible, if Prussia tries anything I will punch. Him.
Easy as pie-

Breaking out of that thought, I had a phone call coming in. I grabbed my phone, not bothering to check the ID, and answered it as any other normal person would.

"Boston's Sperm Bank, you beat it, we freeze it! How may I help you?"

"America. Are you rearry serious right now." I heard Japan's disappointed voice rung out.

"Oh! Hey, sorry I thought this was one of those bank tellers again." I snickered.

"Very funny. Risten, I'm coming over..." He said, also sounding hesitant.

"What? Why? You never come over." I frowned.

"It's very important and I'm hanging up! Goodbye." He said, practically slamming the receiver down.

I jumped and stared down at my phone.

"Is he mad at me..? Oh god what if he hates me because of what I did to Prussia! Shit! Shitshitshit!!" I hissed, running around my room and cleaning everything.

I rushed downstairs and thanked God the Dad's were out. I cleaned up as much as I could and stuck all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher as fast you could say Mr. Clean.

I hurriedly combed my hair as I raced back upstairs to put on extra deodorant and probably a pair of pants while I'm at it. I through on some jeans and my fave t-shirt with the 'I'm Lovin' It' logo on the front before racing  back downstairs and grabbing a book before calmly sitting on the couch as I heard a knock at the door.

"It's open!" I call out, as I pretended to be cool as Japan walked through the door, wearing something actually formal.

"What?" I asked, setting down my book at staring at him, surprised and a little turned on.

"Kiku? You're...wearing a suit." I pointed out as he fidgeted.

"Yes, I know. Thank you for pointing that out." He muttered as he continued to stand in the doorway.

"Um, you can sit down you know?" I said, gesturing to the couch.

"Yes I know that!" He squeaked out.

"Japan? Are you okay? Listen about last night-"

"Never mind that. That isn't important, I just..."

"Look I know I was out of line but-"



"I love (rove) you." We both said in unison.

Silence filled the air as we stared at each other.

"Werr, I do...and... Werr...we need to...tark."

"Talk? About last night?"

"No not about rast night! Rook, I just..." He said, finally taking a step towards me, then another, and another, before looking down at me as I remained on the couch.

"Just...? What?" I asked, getting scared again.

"Oh shit! You're breaking up with me are you?? Last night was terrible I'm sooooo sorry!"I cried, grabbing his hand.

"No no, no! I am not breaking up with you don't you worry. I wourd never do that to you..." He said, as he bent down sort of awkwardly on the floor.

"Japan, you literally have seat beside you, it's cool. Dad might have a heart attack but he isn't here so-"

"America. Will you..."

"Will I what?"


"Mary? Whose Mary?" I frowned.

"Whose Mary? Japan-"

"Kekkon shite kudasai!" He practically yelled.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh my goodness! America! Wirr you marry me aready!" He blurted out.

"W-What?!" I said, shocked as I pushed myself against the back of the couch.

"..." Japan watched me, as he took out another two pairs of rings, with a red, white, and blue diamond in this first one, as the other one only had a white and red diamond.

I stared at them, then back at Japan, then back at the rings, then back at him again.

"I know we're onry teenagers to those mortars, but we're hundreds of years ord and we're in rove and we're okay." He said, sounding practiced.

"Don't think about your father's, you're ord enough for this. I can't beg you, and if you say no that's okay but-"

My mouth stopped his hardcore.

I grabbed the ring and his and put his on as he put on mine, in a daze.

"You bet your sweet ass it's a yes." I grinned.

"That didn't take much, did it." Kiku pointed out as I laughed.

"No, no it did not. And guess what Japan?" I asked, my heart fluttering.

"What's that?" He asked, as he finally took his seat beside me on the couch.

"It took a while but, I'm Finally happy, and you came along to make sure it happened." I mumbled before I kissed him one more time.
And how do I know this? Well, maybe it's because, as I most recently learned, everything happens for a reason.
You just got to find that thing that makes you feel fixed, makes you feel grounded and secured, makes you find that thing you need, and makes you finally, finally realize what that thing is.

It's just a little thing called love.

Finally~AmeriPanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant