Chapter nineteen

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So a little while later, I hovered around making sure everything was perfect for that night. I noticed the mistletoe a lot, thinking about kissing Japan under it was getting me sort of antsy, so I kept straightening things that were already straightened.

I obviously invited Japan to the party myself, and of course Matt commented a few times while laughing, which led to us being heckled by France a bit.
I saved myself by saying it was our own little 'twin' joke, and then I cupped my mouth and spat profanity at Canada.
He shut up after that.

I barely slept that night too, 'cause this was gonna be sick, and knowing that nothing could go wrong made me happy. The next morning was easy to get up for, 'cause I was smelling breakfast.

I burst out of my room, screaming "BREEEEEAAAAKKKFAAASSSSTTT" as I slid down the banister.

You gotta make yourself known in the world somehow. I chowed down on those damn delicious pancakes with ease, as I noticed Mattie giving me a weird look. He's probably jealous of my new shirt or something.

Papa and Dad walked down the stairs calmly, and Dad, (of course), was immediately disgusted with how I ate.

"Bloody hell America, haven't you ever heard how to chew your food with your mouth closed?!" He grunted as he sipped his tea.

I looked up for like a split second, trying to say "Whatever."
It only came out like a 'mmmph.'

England made a grossed out weird doubt and said "Never mind."

I continued to eat anyway. I don't need no England telling me how to live my life!

"Oh Mathieu! This is very, 'ow you say, delicious!" France cut in happily.

"W-why do you say h-how do you say when you c-clearly know how to s-say it?" Mattie asked, confused.

'I hoped Ashley closed the god damn door...' I thought, almost laughing to myself.

You're welcome, Internet!

Anyway, France ignored the questions and continued to eat. I finished my twelve pancakes and groaned.

"Dude! This is it? It's like a salad! I need the main course!"

"A-Al, you ate twelve already. Y-You're fine." He muttered with a raised eyebrow.

I stuck out my tongue, (still with bits of gross food on it), and made him turn away disgusted. I smirked and ate another pancakes sloppily once more before finishing.

England and Matt gagged a bit, but France ate with no comment. I know who's my favourite member of the family now.
We did random things around the house a bit, before impatiently waiting for eight. I mean, I stayed in my room all day playing video games to pass the time, but I swear, every minute felt like an hour, and every hour was an eternity! But, finally, eight rolled around.
Matt was in charge of the door, and I guarded and taste tested the snack table. You know, in case anyone was poisoned. I mean, sure we can't die but doesn't hurt to put yourself as the hero right?

The first couple was Italy and Germany, and we gathered around them, proudly making our "Oooohhh!'s."

Of course, Italy didn't care and smacked one on Germany. Next was Spain and Romano, which was the same except Romano told Spain he was a tomato bastard.

China came with Russia, Austria with Hungary, then Switzerland and his little sister Liechtenstein, and I can tell Switz didn't want nobody talking, touching, or even looking at her. She just waved on anyway, and they headed to the snack table afterwards.
Matt was standing by the door a lot that night for some odd reason, so I snuck Japan into my room and we made out a little bit, you know? Besides, ain't nobody see us yet, and I'm willing to keep it that way.
The party was a hella success, and Japan 'secretly' stayed over that night.
Oh yeah, he came more ways than one.
On Christmas morning, I was obviously the first one up and ready to go! I ran into Mattie's room and catapulted into his stomach. I don't regret anything.

"W-What the hell?" He said as he struggled to get up, I of course held that sucker down!

"DUDE IT'S CHRRRRIIISSSSTTMMASSSS!" I yelled and stood up quickly before grabbing his hand and (accidentally' throwing him across the room.

He hit the wall and clutched his head. Whoops!

"M-Maple! Alfred! Calm down! I-I'm up!" He cried, and tried to stand up on his own.

I, being the hero, helped him up before racing out of the room down the stairs and towards the Christmas tree. Matt followed me slowly before saying something about me being 'immature.' Pfft!

"Dude. It's freaking Christmas. What do ya expect?!?" I said as I dug under the huge ass tree.

"Bloody git!" Dad barked as he smiled, "Wait for your parents!"

I snickered and tossed him and France a present. Matt grabbed his and we started unwrapping.


"America! Language now." France said sternly.

"Uh sorry, Shoot, NEW XBOX Y'ALL!" I squealed like a little girl.

Canada got boring stuff like notepads and more polar bears, while I got the new Saints Row 5: Back to the Streets game. Guess who's more cooler?
After unwrapping everything, I looked down and saw a tiny looking box, with a small note attached to it. France and dad were gone already, and Matt was clutching a jewelry box or whatever before he left too.

I picked it up and unwrapped the note carefully, staring down at it as my eyes widened.

"Oh my god..."

"America. My Sakura, my rove. I just want you to know, I rearry do rove you, imcredibry, and I know I can't say it much, but I do. I can't use my words werr, but writing them down I can terr you how amazing you make me ferr everyday. You do, and this is a promise to you. Open this box, wear this ring, and our promise wirr reprace it with one more grand and more gorgeous then this one, one day.
Watashi Wa Anata O Aishiteimasu

I took out the silver band shakily, before slipping it on and staring up at the lights, with an awestruck look on my face.

I looked over as Mattie came back downstairs, and for a split second I thought I saw the same expression on his face I had.
Yeah that's right. Two chapters, two days. I'm heading to camp soon so Ima update a lot. But, as Japan's promise, I'm gonna promise to finish this book before fall. Love ya! -Sarah
Sakura-Chrysanthemum, Japan's Flower
Watashi Wa Anata O Aishiteimasu- I Love You

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