Chapter twenty-one

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I heard the front door open a close a little while later. I finally finished the grossness of the turkey and was trudging through the ickyness of the potatoes when I heard a small voice from the kitchen doorway.

"Y-You made Christmas dinner D-dad?" Matt asked as he looked over at both me and France.

"Why, I did! I feel great! I think it turned out marvellous, do you not agree frog?" England asked happily in his heavy British accent.

"...." France moved his hand to his mouth and gagged, finally letting the charade fade.

Dad squinted at Papa but didn't say a word, then asked me if it was any good.
All I could do was nod.
Mattie looked like he was going to laugh, "S-So sorry I missed it," (no you're not you idiot), "I bet it would have tasted delicious, but I'm way too full!" He stuttered as I gave him the look of upmost cross.

I swear I would kill him for this!
England started washing the dishes as the three of us sat here, as France continued to gag and I was wondering if I could kill England with a spoon or not. That's when Matt laughed and I wanted to choke him right then and there. He winked at me, then headed upstairs, leaving me sitting there in a pile of pure rage.

He turned around for a second before I flipped him off. Yeah, that's right Canada, enjoy your good food for now, next you'll see yourself hanging from the rafters!
I sat on the couch for a bit when I heard Matt playing his weird music again. Who's the band? Mari...Mari...Marijuanas Trench was it? No that doesn't sound right..
Hang on is that Avril Lavigne? Matt what kind of music do you listen to?
I heard him sing along happily, probably thinking about her too or something. She's out of your league there buddy.

I sorta wondered why he hung out with that Prussia guy so much. Prussia is an old fart who's preying on a small kid! The hell man! Like Jesus Christ-

"MATTHEW! SHUT THAT BLOODY MUSIC OFF!" Britain like, screamed.

Rude. "Y-yeah, yeah okay." Mattie responded sounding a bit sad. Poor guy. I even liked that one Mari...dammit this is gonna kill me...Mari...
Marianas Trench...Hey! Marianas Trench! That's it! Anyway I liked that 'So soon' one. Oh well.
I went upstairs to my room a little bit later, relinquishing in my presents and totally-not-thinking-about-Japan-in-an American-speedo. And the subject did NOT come up all of a sudden I swear!

Anyway, after I may or may have not thought about that, I stared up at the ceiling for a while. I counted the tiles and watched my fake glow-in-the-dark stars for a while, counting each one of those too.

76. I had 76 glow-in-the-dark star pieces that I probably don't need anymore. Yet there they are, lighting the room in a dim, greenish way.
I started to drift off to sleep, thinking about how I too could be stuck onto the ceiling one day, with some weird kid staring at me too.
I have weird thoughts when I'm tired.
Alright folks, guess whose ready to party, to get drunk, and beat everybody at the game of 'Die and You Lose!'
This American bastard right here. Oh yes, yessiree, because guess what party is happening tonight? The New. Years. Party. And do you know why it's gonna be so awesome?

Is because my wonderful, beautiful, hottie of a boyfriend is hosting this time, and I'm going to make his night Rock like the Flintstones. I am soooo getting laid tonight.
I didn't sleep much that week, but hey, almost EVERYBODY in America doesn't sleep yeah? So it wasn't a new thing. I just played video games and hung around my room. Hey, when you got nothin' to do, ya just hang in your room until dawn. Well, that's what I do anyway.

Grand Theft Auto V is the best damn game out there and nobody can tell me otherwise.
I was making sure everything on me was perfect before we would leave for the party. I mean, I just had to look good yeah? Yeah! Everybody would be there, and especially Japan.

"Mon Frere!" France called from downstairs as I tore myself away from my mirror.


"It's time to go! You better 'urry, Britain already started the car!"

"Okay!" I called back.

"Oh Britain already started the car! Better hurry! Oh dear! Wahhhh!" I muttered sarcastically before heading downstairs.
When we arrived, me and Dad made a beeline for the beer. He didn't even care as long as he got his gross Guinness or whatever. Ew. Listen all I need is my Coors Light and I'll be good.

Grabbing said can, I looked around for the bae, before looking over to the food table.

"What the hell...?" I frowned, watching my own brother conversing with that...Prussia guy.

"He's really weird...Wait.. Did Matt just grab his hand??? What the fuck?" I hissed to myself before trying to make my way over there.

I was stopped by a certain Japanese man, who, by the looks of it, was sort of drunk.

"America~, how are youuuu?" Kiku hiccuped, making me forget about the whole Prussia ordeal.

"Are you serious." I said, which lead me to a wide grin.

"Serious? Oh I'm very serious!" He giggled.

"Japan. You're drunk. I bet you can't even tell the time!"

"I c-can so t-terr the time!" He said as he grabbed my wrist, which contained a very flashy wristwatch.

"I'm not drunk." He said, as serious as one can be as they conversed with a watch.

I burst out laughing and wrapped my arms around him.

"I think I love you a little bit more." I whispered into his ear as he giggled again.

"Thank you! Me too! But about you..." He mumbled.

"Why don't you go sit down honey." I mumbled and sent him a wink.

He hiccuped again and nodded.

"Okie!" He smiled before stumbling over to the sofa.

I smiled to myself and looked around happily, before my smile fell as my eyes locked on a scene and I did NOT want to see.

"Mattie...? What- PRUSSIA?? They're...they're...hugging. OH FUCK NO."

I sprinted to the other side of the room as fast as you could say 'anger.'


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