Chapter six

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After that dramatic ending of that chapter thing, supper was still going on and stuff. We actually talked about how it was awesome for me to come home. When I heard that Papa had to leave, I had a notion that Mattie went too but I didn't wanna say anything ya know? He may be my brother but I can't be some protective weirdo who watched everything he does-

"What the fuck." I hissed under my breath when I saw that dick Prussia talking to my baby brother.

I was snapped out of my thoughts of murder when Papa thanked Gilbert for letting him stay at his house for a bit. I forced a smile and did so too.

"Thanks for letting him stay bro!" I mumbled out.

"B-Bye Kiku!" I heard Mattie's quiet voice call out before I noticed Japan leaving.

I frowned and followed him outside quickly, before smiling at him warmly.

"So...thanks and all for letting me stay man. That means a lot. I hope I can repay ya one day k?" I asked, feeling a bit shy all of the sudden.

"Yeah. Yeah that would be coor- I mean, that wourd be nice." He said, sounding almost like me a bit.

"HA! I rubbed off on ya didn't I?" I smirked.

He rolled his eyes un-Japanly and froze. He stopped mid roll and quickly composed himself.

"Possibry. Anyway, it was a honour staying with you..." Japan mumbled, sounding shy too.

I smiled awkwardly before kicking away a stray rock on the porch. I looked back up to see him staring up at something. I followed his gaze to see the prettiest stars.

"Whoa." I muttered.

"Yeah. Whoa." He repeated.

It was quiet for a moment before he sighed.

"We should hang out again." I blurted out.

He looked surprised and nodded slowly.

"Sure. I wourd rike that." He answered sounding honest.

I grinned and he smiled awkwardly too, before leaving.


"Yes. Yes goodbye America." He looked back before walking away.

I sighed and shuffled back inside, flinching at the utter silence that had filled the room. I hurried upstairs before entering the oh-so familiar room of mine. The coke cans still scattered throughout the floor, as well as my comics hanging loosely from the bookshelf. The only thing that was missing was my dirty clothes, which had gave me the notion Mattie or Francis had cleaned them.

I sat on my bed and laid back down on it, listening to the hush whispers from downstairs. I heard someone climb the stairs and paused at my room, before continuing down the hall.

"Dad. Go figure." I mumbled.

I sat back on my bed and took out my phone, bored and not ready to deal with this mess. Since I'm home, might as well get my in my old routine right? Oh you know, make everything happy and dandy while ignoring the fact Dad doesn't want me or Mattie to explore the world like we're meant to.

It was stupid honestly. We're countries too! We deserve to explore the world! Dad's just holding us back and I hate it. I'm sure Matt does too but he never says anything. He's too nice most of the time but I love the guy.

No homo tho.

Anyways, me and dad were not...on the same page for the next month or so. Like, forgive and forget wasn't even an option anymore, all we did was bicker bicker BICKER! Fuckin' sucked bros!

An example would've been my first day back. Ya know, after the totally-not-tension-filled-supper.

So like, I went down for breakfast and figured everything would've been fine right. WRONG. As soon as I came downstairs I heard something hit the concrete repeatedly outside. The sound of breaking glass. I frowned and checked outside, to see Dad freaking destroying every bottle of beer in the house! So, like the idiot I am, I ran outside and told him to stop.

"Why should I America? Didn't you want this?" He hissed.

"Oh my GOD Dad! This again? For one, I'm literally like fifty years older then the limit in all countries, so I'm allowed to drink! Secondly, you were the one DRUNK IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I yelled.

"Don't you raise your voice at me!"

"I'll do whatever I damn feel like it!" I snapped back.

"Alfred F. Kirkland-"

"It's Jones." I hissed.

Everything kinda stopped there. Like there wasn't a beginning or ending. It was my new name. Mattie didn't mention it in his side of the story, but when I was at Japan's, I changed it. The look he gave me what complete and utter horror. At the time I thought I was the winner, but was a stupid mistake as well as feeling like a true loser.

"J-Jones? Jones? JONES!" He shouted.

"Yeah! Alfred. F Jones! Got a problem! Well deal with it! I'm not changing it back!"

"Oh yes you will!"

"Oh no I won't!" I chuckled darkly.

"You have no right over me Dad. You may own my colonies now, but soon I'll be the REAL United States of America! The country you will never keep!" I said haughtily.

But my heart broke when I saw the look of utter sadness and pain in his eyes. One of the worst days of my life indeed.

Mattie and Papa didn't dare come stop us. Not until a bit later when we were done and Papa sent me to my room to talk with Dad- Arthur I mean.



I love you for staying tho omg


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