Chapter eight

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Maybe I'm delusional. 'Cause this dream is like, crushing me man. It kinda sucks. Like. Really sucks.

Crushes suck. Ugh. Like, I didn't realize I was homo because now texting #nohomo does nothing for me now hehe...he...

Sorry that was terrible. Yet yeah, I'm gay I guess. Big whoop. 'Course half my residents hate that... Ah screw it! I'm AMERICA! THE HOMOSEXUAL HERO!

Awkward. How the hell am I supposed to tell my parents-

Wait. I have an idea! What if I don't tell them at all! Sounds like a good plan. Also telling no one, ESPECIALLY Japan. It's a very good plan.

Okay maybe not. I mean, there's gotta be someone I trust here. Someone I can pour my soul out to like a loser.

'Course I ain't one but still. So this dream kept plagiarizing me for a while. As I said for about a month until I decided to sneak out one night to talk to Japan about it. I mean, I couldn't tell him EVERYTHING you know but it's been driving me insane!

I can't have a crush on my bestie could I? It's common sure for people to fall for their best friend but I don't want one of those cheap romances that'll string me along and then end up breaking my heart. Call me crazy, but I wanna get married one day. And that would mean serious commitment in a relationship.

I know I know. Sappy, but it's the truth y'all. Anyways, I snuck out through my window and slipped down the side of the roof carefully. I easily dropped down with a 'thud' and waited.

A few moments without any sounds from inside the house, I ran from my backyard and began sprinting into town.

I couldn't risk using my car because,

A) It's noises

B) They'll notice it gone

And C) They'll take my baby away!

And I refuse to let that happen! So I ran. Which was pretty nice because I needed to work out like crazy. I hadn't got a chance to and I almost sworn I was getting a bit flabby already. I'm like that.

So I kept running. And running. And running. Until I finally reached his street. I was pretty quick back then, still am but anyways, I went right up to his doorstep and knocked on the door impatiently. It was like one in the morning but I knew he was awake. He usually was, since the stars were pretty bright tonight and it was scheduled for a full moon as well.

I was a sweaty mess, my hair was unkempt, and I was breathing pretty heavily so I pretty much looked like an axe murderer. Though, when he opened the door, I kinda stopped breathing altogether and gaped at him. Seeing him was different this time, it felt new, and it felt good. Like, when I saw him, I could see the galaxies. I didn't need to look up for the universe, because it was standing right in front of me with its big brown eyes and loving small smile, and that's when knew I had fallen in love with the whole universe. Every star and all.

"America?" He asked, unsure why I was staring at him for like five minutes.

"Hah?" I said, shaking my head and clearing my throat.

"Hey Japan! Nice night isn't it?" I responded, not exactly choosing the right words.

"Werr, yes. But it's earry in the morning. Why are you here?" He asked, obviously confused.

"Oh! Right! Uh...I had to talk to you about that dream thing man. It's been bugging me and I couldn't tell you what exactly it was about because I was afraid you'd judge me and I SOOO didn't want that and like yeah I'm scared." I blabbered on, fearing he would slam the door in my face if I said anything about it.

"Uh? Okay? Come in." He said as he stepped aside and I walked through quickly.

"What was the dream about exactry ?" He asked as we sat down on his neat couch.

"Uhhh...let's not go into that just yet. How are you doing?" I stupidly asked, trying to change the subject.

"Don't change the subject America. I know you too werr." He said reading my mind with ease.

I chuckled nervously and cleared my throat again.

"Did you need a cough drop?" He asked.

"Nah. Nah okay. So... I'll just come out and say it. Ha! Come out! Get it?" I nudged his shoulder.

"Uh no sorry." He frowned.

I stood up and paced around his room as he continued to sit on the couch really confused.

"Never mind. Anyways, I had a dream that... Okay well, you were in the dream right. And it was in the middle of the night, and it was so real..." I trailed off.

"And?" He asked, standing up and walking over towards me.

I backed away and pushed the hair away from my face messily.

"And yeah! That's it! No! It isn't! God why is this so hard to tell you!" I cried.

"America, just terr me." He said seriously as he made another move towards me.

"I can't! I can't even look at you without wanting to say it." I sighed angrily.

"Then do it."

"No!" I argued.

"America you can't just show up to my house for no reason and not terr me." He demanded.

"I know but-"

"'America I-"

"Fuck it." I hissed, grabbing his shoulders and showing exactly what I needed to say.

His lips were soft, I remembered. The way I kissed him was surprisingly gentle. I didn't want to probe seduction like in my dream. I didn't want to touch anywhere else, trying not to force him to do anything he didn't want to do. 'Cause, he was kissing me back.

It was slow and simple, like a melody almost. All I did was stroke his shoulder blades and let his hands touch my back lightly. I saw stars, I saw the moon, I saw galaxies, and I swore I even saw the whole universe all at once. The planets, the solar systems, everything that space had to offer.

I knew I wouldn't ever have to dream about space again, because it was right here with me, kissing my softly and holding me the way I need it to.

Needless to say it was an amazing first kiss. It wasn't like the others I had. This was love, and I think we both felt it that day.

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