Chapter nine

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When we pulled away, it wasn't a dramatic runaway. It was just me staring at him hard, waiting for the slap, or waiting for him to start yelling.

Yet nothing happened. All he did was stare back, surprised but calm.

"I see." He mumbled, breaking the silence.

"Uh. Yeah. I'll leave if you want me to-"

"No! I mean, that isn't necessary America. Prease stay." He blushed.

We sat down on the couch again and I bravely held his hand, my other touching my lips lightly. I noticed he was doing the same and we both smiled.

"We haven't done that for awhire.." He sighed.

"Wait what." I blinked, looking at him surprised.

"Don't you remember? I didn't think you wanted to tark about it..." He frowned.

"Remember what?" I asked.

"That night, when we..."

"Wait, it wasn't a dream?" I whispered.

" No it wasn't." He smiled at our hands.

"Wow. Wait I mean, really? No! I mean! YES!" I said happily, shooting my other hand up and pumping it into the air as he stared at me weirdly.

I stopped and covered my face.

"Whoops." I murmured.

He laughed and I felt his lips kissed the back of my hand.

"I did that too, honestry."

I smiled and looked over at him.

"I'm glad you're carm about this." He said honestly.

"Me too." I laughed. "Didn't think you would want me- this." I quickly said.

"What do you mean 'I wourdn't want you?" He asked seriously.

I shrugged and looked down at our hands.

"I don't know.." I mumbled.

"Of course I want you.... I've arways wanted you. And it isn't just wanting Arfred. It's needing too." He admitted shyly.

"Wait seriously?" I gasped, looking over at him greatly.

"Yes. Yes 'seriousry."

If they hadn't yet, the butterflies in my stomach were buzzing around hugely at this point. All I could hear was my heart pounding loudly and beginning to giggle.

"I need you too. Like, definitely a lot." I grinned.

We couldn't help but grin like idiots at each other, and that's when I noticed that Japan wasn't like his reserved well kept self. He was different, but a good kind of different. The only kind he reserved for me when we were alone together.

So, I carefully took both his hands and leaned over to kiss him again. Which he happily obliged I'd like to add.

I guess that's what love is. You can be yourselves and you'll be okay and. It's not just being nervous either. You can kiss each other without afraid of rejection too, which is definitely a perk.

I bring out the best in Japan. He brings out the beast in me. Yet he knows how to handle me at my ugly times, and I really really love him you know? 'Course, this was just the beginning of our hectic relationship. Especially since hiding it will be a hell of a huge problem from then on.

And I only knew one person who I could tell at that time, and I'm sure we all knew who it would be.

So, get your notes ready Mattie. 'Cause I'm about to take you to class.

Dudes. That was a sick line. Just sayin'

Anyways on with the show.


So a few days later, I was talking to Japan none stop right. We avoided the 'L' word a lot, it isn't like we didn't 'L' each other I was just too embarrassed or something to say it yet. Always using 'Need' instead. Yet, I think it meant a lot more than the 'L' word itself.

And like, I was so ready to tell Mattie and everything! But then...

We all decided to take a trip to England.

Oh yeah, we made it to THAT chapter...

Finally~AmeriPanWhere stories live. Discover now