Chapter seven

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Fights like this broke out quite a few times. He would yell, I would scream, you know, the works. I noticed that Matt stayed out of the house a lot. Just to take walks or take out the garbage or something. It made me feel incredibly guilty for doing that to the poor guy.

He was already fragile already. He shouldn't feel so scared around us. Oh but Dad HAD to keep bickering. The tension was so thick in that house, you could cut it with a knife. And especially with the mention of independence that one day. Scary enough already.

Papa tried to help. And I love him for that. Always looking out for his kids, unlike someone else I knew... Besides, he always was the one to break up fights and stuff. And afterwords, I would retreat to my room like the coward I am.

Okay I take that back. I'M THE HERRROOOO!

I think.

I gotta tell you guys something. Like, it was fantastic for me! Best thing to happen all month right! It had started out like this, for it all began with a realistic dream...


I was awake, in Kiku's house. I remember feeling at home as I looked around the room. I remember feeling the breeze from my window and feeling the cool sheets beneath me. I had sworn I had this dream before I went back there. Yet it didn't feel like a dream at the time.

I felt myself get up for a glass of water. Making my way across the room, I step out to the hall way and head downstairs. I heard shuffles in the kitchen, before I peeked around the stove and see Japan standing at the fridge, grabbing a glass of milk.

I remember clearing my throat and stepping towards him. He smiled warmly and offers me a glass. I politely decline and I remember telling him that he's done way to much for me already. And I started to apologize profusely. I remember crying I think.

And, totes to my surprise right, he cautiously wrapped me into a hug. You'd think it would be awkward since I knew for a fact he doesn't let people touch him that often, but...I kinda felt safe. He fit into my arms as I silently cried over neath him. It was...really nice.

I can't remember feeling that like in a long time. 'Cause I felt something that night. Something...something good.

It wasn't that long into the hug before he went on his tip-toes and...I'm sure Mattie told yeah what happened, but that's for later.

He kissed me. And not those stupid, "LETS DO IT RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW." Kinds of kisses.

Hell nah man. He just held my mouth against his. I didn't probe for seduction, I didn't nibble or anything. I just kissed him, as he kissed me.

'Course, it hadn't lasted very long before he disappeared. I don't remember what time it was. I don't remember what I did afterwards. All I remember is waking up the next morning feeling something good. Like, something someone only experiences when they finally found that something they needed.

And I loved it.


I've had the dream for like lots of times. Sometimes the scene changes, sometimes he'd offer me juice, but normally it would be the exact same dream. 'Course it wasn't every night but damn I wished it was. So, awkwardly, I tried to bring it up in one of our awesome text conversations that I couldn't get enough of.

Pretty much like this:

Hero4eva: Hey man, I gotta ask something.

Kiku18: Yes, America?

Hero4eva: Ever had like...well it's random but, have you ever had weird dreams?

Kiku18: Well...I have actually.

Hero4eva: Really? Like what?

Kiku18: Well. I did have one about you...

At this point my heart was racing erratically.

Hero4eva: Seriously?! What did I do?

Kiku18: It's..awkward to say but..

Hero4eva: But..?

Kiku18: Well you kissed...

My heart almost stopped, not gonna lie.

Hero4eva: Kissed what? dog.

My heart kinda sunk to my stomach.

Hero4eva: Oh. Oh! That awkward and weird...

Kiku18: Are you okay America?

Hero4eva: Huh? Nah I'm fine! Hey listen, I gotta go. Not feeling too well. Txt ya later man bye.

Kiku18:....Oh...okay bye.

So it just wasn't fair I guess. Definitely not.

Finally~AmeriPanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя