Chapter two

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I honestly didn't think I would get this far. Seriously. Once I sped to the nearest place I knew, it went all down hill from there.

I mean, things were already going down hill pretty quickly, but for the fact I just walked out on my own family kind of gave me the impression I was actually alone for the first time in a long time. Especially since I absolutely had no where to go, even if I thought I did.

Although I had a place in mind, I knew it was going to be pretty difficult trying to convince him I have to stay for a few days, give or take a few weeks at the least. I mean, he may be my best friend, but even I knew I could get annoying a times.

So when I arrived in his driveway, all teary-eyed and feeling horrible, I went straight up to his doorstep and knocked quickly, just wanting to get some rest. Being emotionally tired and physically tired can be dangerous if I'm operating a vehicle. So he was HAVE to take me in then right?



So when I waited, I heard some scuffling and clicks walk across the floor from the inside. The door swung open to reveal Kiku in his full length gown-Japanese thing, while wearing wooden sandals with socks. I held back a cringe. Seriously? Socks with sandals? Ew no.

I guess Papa France rubbed off me after all.

"Hey bro!" I said grinning.

He rose an eyebrow and gave a small smile.

"Herro America, what brings you here?" He asked politely.

I shifted my feet a bit before coughing.

"Ineedtostayhereforawhile." I replied quickly.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." He said apologetically.

I breathed and said it slower.

"I need to stay here for a w-while, if that's okay." I said stuttering.

What did I do that for?! Heroes don't stutter! God dammit America.

"Oh..." He mumbled.


"I'll explain if you let me stay." I cut him off quickly.

He stood there with a small grimace, trying to decide. I waited impatiently and fiddled with my jacket's zipper before I heard him sigh.

"I wirr be arright.." He muttered.

"SWEET THANKS!" I shouted as I zipped by him and ran into his living room.

I heard him groan as he came and sit beside me.

"Why do I feer rike I'm going to regret this." He said defeatedly.

"Because you will bro! And you love me, that's why." I said, fluttering my eyelashes and blowing a raspberry at him.

He looked away with a small smile and a sort of weird face thing. That girl thing that Mattie calls it. Oh right! A blush! Wait, why was he blushing?

"Dude, your face is weirdly red. You okay?" I asked.

Japan covered his face with his hands and shook his head.

"Mmmfhhhh." He mumbled.


"It's red because you made it red." He said looking away.

"Whoa! I did? Huh! Weird! Now go make supper." I ordered.

I looked away with a sort of smirk and didn't see his sandal coming at the back of my head.


"That fucking hurt bro." I mumbled as we sat at his little table on the ground.

"You deserved it America."

"Yeah but at the back of the head? Ow! Ow ow!" I cried.

I pressed the ice pack onto the little bump and ate my rice.

"Still isn't fair dude."

"It is. I don't make anything for anyone." He said quietly.

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay, maybe I did deserve that, a little, but ow! Could've been something lighter! Like a pillow!"

"Why wourd I hit you with a pirrow?!" He asked horrified.

"That's just mean!"

"Oh! Oh I see how it is! You can hit people with shoes but not with pillows!"

"No!" He cried before going back to eating calmly.

I clicked my tongue and ate my share, looking back up at him with a raised eyebrow but with nothing to say.

Japan is a strange country dude. Strange indeed.

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