Ch. 16 - Questions

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-*Clay's POV*-

Its been two days since Christmas, and I cant stop thinking of the clout glasses, maybe I can get some answers from George. This is so confusing, I have no lead to this case. Then I got a notification from my phone, I turn it on to see its from Zak. Its weird because its 4 a.m. and Zak doesnt like waking up earlier in the morning, maybe he was staying up late, anyways I opened up his message.



Come over to xxxx x XXXXX XX, XXXXXX XX XXXXX (This isnt actually location, I made it up and I check on how google map works to be sure it works so ya)


Dude, its late in night

Go to bed


Just hurry up, put on your disguise tho


What does he mean by this, I got up and went to my clothes to get my backpack and disguise, it was raining so it was hard to get to Zak's location being at downtown. The rain wasn't that bad but it was annoying right now for me, the streetlamps were on and they help me a bit to see where I was going. In the distance I saw a police car which they were patrolling during this time, crap. I look around to find a hiding spot which I hid in between bushes, it was bery uncomfortable since I just jump in it. Anyways, when the police car was out of my view, I got out of the bushes and continue walking to Zak's location.

After 7 minutes of walking and 9 minutes of running I made it, I look around to find Zak until I heard a shhhh noise coming from a alley near by, I walk over holding my knife just in case. Then I saw Zak coming in view for me.

"Hello there Clay," Zak said with his disguise on besides his hat.

"What do you want? Its so late in night and its raining." I walk over to him which where he was, was dry.

"Well, remember the BGS, well I found out they are about to meet up around this time. We can finally have some clues from them for why they are doing this and see if we can be heroes and no one will suspect us as the murders in this town."

"Ummm.... maybe but how would we know where they are or they will actually going to meet up?"

"We'll just hope we won't get caught, also in the pass couple of days, I been patrolling around town in different time, location, and days. They mostly meet up around here 2-3 days per week, so there is high chance they would meet up, I would go ahead and not tell you about this but I know you have more clues on them than I do."

"Fine, but make sure your phone is on mute and anything personal things on you out of sight and if they cant fit in your pocket, put it in my backpack," with that he put his phone in his hoodie's pocket and putting his earbuds in my backpack and a small bag which I have no idea what was in it.

After putting away our stuff, we keep a look out to see them passing by or anything. We stayed in the same spot until we saw a figure ran above us, we quickly ran up the building's outside stairs, when we were close to the roof, we slowed down so they won't detect us. We poke our heads when we reach the top to see one of the members, which what we heard of is Bad, or his full name BadBoyHalo. He seemed abit off but looks way to tough for us to get him, he then continue running to building to building, me and Zak slowly followed behind, hiding behind the building's entrance doorway.

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