Ch 18 - Reveal?

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-*Nick's POV*-

Everything was black when we were still fighting, I was barely able to hear anything but the ring in my ears. The last thing I saw was George and Darryl on the floor and my head was bleeding, it was so hard to focus, my head was dizzy, my legs were hurting, my arms were too tired, I barely had any air in my lungs. I felt like I was picked up but everything turned black.

Then I woke up, I looked around to see I wasn't at the school anymore but at George's house, When did I get here? I also realized that I was still wearing my outfit, I had bandages around my head and on the right side of my arm. I still felt dizzy but I needed to find George and Darryl, I got up but more cautious since my last vivid memories were George and Darryl on the floor knocked out. I opened the door to one of three hallways of George's house, turns out I was in George's parents' room. I went to George's room to see Darryl on the bed but there was someone else there, "STAY AWAY FRO-." Then I saw who it was, the one with the derpy hat, "Sorry, I thought you were someone, but how-how like why are you here?"

The box boy just turn around and pulled out a folded note, I grabbed and open it up and said this,

I will not speak due to personal reasons but we will talk when your friends are awake and alright. My partners are downstairs helping out your other partner.

"Umm... Thank you I guess, let me just see how badly is Dar-I mean Bad," with that, he steps to the side and walks to the side of the bed. Darryl had bandages around his chest and stomach, on his left leg, and his wrists were too. I wanted to wake Darryl to see if he was still alive but I know I need to wait for him, he just needs some rest. Then I stood up and walked away and went downstairs. It hurt so much to walk down from the fight at the school, I don't remember what happened next. Then I saw a boy or man with his pig face mask, he noticed me and just simply waved, I waved back to him awkwardly. Why am I trusting these people, what if they kidnap us? How do they know this is George's house? Why did they even heal us?

These questions lingered in my mind until I reached the end of the hallway, where the living room met. I saw George layng on the couch, he was awake but it seemed like he just woke up. I walked over and sat down next to him. "You ok G?"

George then turned his head to me and then looked back, staring at the ceiling, "Not too good, we just failed, just because we thought we won by defending our classmates, our school. I am so stupid to think it was that easy."

"Hey G, calm down, even though we failed doesn't mean we can get better or try to retrieve those students."

"Thanks Sapnap, also if you want to see KJ, he's in the kitchen."

"Oh, I was actually going to say how was KJ but it will be nice to see him, be right back then." I got up and went to the kitchen to see someone else in there, it was someone with a green sweater and a smiling mask, creepy. But I saw Karl all chill with him and chatting with him so it won't be that bad to talk with him too.

I awkwardly walk in between their conversation, "Umm.. Hello?" Then Karl turned around and his face lit up.

He then ran to me with hands in the air, ready to tumble me down, "SAPNAP, YOU OK!!! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!" He squeezed me tightly in his arms, he may look skinny but he is strong when he is happy.

"K-Karl..... I can't breath..." I could barely move with my arms in between his arms, for a skinny boy he is, he's way too strong for me to handle.

"Oh sorry," He released me from his grip, my lungs gathered as much air, I felt like I was about to faint, but mostly due to the cuteness of Karl. "I'm just so happy you're alright and you-you, I have no words but I'm just happy you're not badly injured like the other two."

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