Ch 13 - Background

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-*Third Person's POV*-

The time has finally come to reveal what the truth was.

George when he was a young baby had an older brother, before he met Clay, his brother got kidnap when he was walking to school. George's parents went to look for him when they left George at daycare, they gave up after two months.

George was turning four in a week when his parent told him his brother died, after a year of his brother's death. They found out that he was experiment on by the government but when the experiment didn't work, they hired someone to run over his brother.

George had Clay by his side during that time, they really couldn't talk well so they barely were able to comfort each other. When George was 5 years and one month old, he started training with his parents so he can protect himself, his parents, and Clay.

Clay and George form a strong bond and they enjoyed each other's company, so much they keep telling their parents to wait abit more which will last more than an hour. They will do everything together, trying new foods, going on rides at carnivals, even going to the doctors.

So when they were both 9 years old, during 5th grade, George heard Clay will be moving away in a week, he decided to make a friendship bracelet for him and Clay. Which Clay gladly took it and never took it off. So when Clay moved away, George started being picked on since Clay was his bodyguard. George will finally snap at this action when a boy named Kevin, was about to take off George's bracelet but George punch him squared at the nose. The kids around him were complete shook and they stop bullying him no more.

George was at 6th grade when he started taking classes that involves coding, programming, and engineering. Since he enjoys doing it and his parents told him to take those classes which at first he didn't like it until that started coding games. When it was 7th grade, around the middle of the year, George met Nick at Math class. They barely talked at first but they started talking to each other for no reason.

They will later on start becoming friends, they hanged out during lunch and sometimes after school. They were on the basketball team and baseball team, they were the star players in the team. They will go to the same high school, George will later on met Darryl in History in 9th grade. Both George and Darryl were the quiet kids in class and they really didn't make eye contact to each other when 3 months in 9th grade, got assigned as partners.

After all three of them knowing each other better, they will start hanging out anytime when they are free, due to them hanging out with each other and their small popularity each of them have for their own unique talents. Their popularity grew more, they felt weird why but they will later on get use to it.

Nick lived a neighborhood where many drunk people will be, but due to how dangerous the roads and sidewalks are due to broken glass and other pieces of trash of dangerous things, he use this to learn tricks and learn to do parkour since he live near a junkyard and he will use the cars to do obstacles. He also has step-parents since he was told his parents died due to a plane crash when he was 7 years old. He will usually run away from his house since his step-parents barely like him and they had their own kid, they also get drunk and they will sometimes beat him up, so by the time he met George, he ran away from his step-parents and lived at the streets. Until George found out and earn some money to get Nick his own apartment.

Darryl lived with his dad but past away when he was barely entering high school, the area he lived allowed him to live by himself if he wanted to and they can move him to a better apartment. He didn't had enough money for it but his old neighbors gather up some money and gave him what they were able to collect. He never met his mother since his parents had a divorce when he was 2 years and 7 months old. He will later on start teaching himself how to cook and other things, he barely get any money so he will work during the weekends. Darryl hated swearing since his old classmates keep being mean to him for no reason.

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