Ch 2 - Hello?

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-*Clay's POV*-

"Ugh......." I woke up my alarm, I realized I have school, I turn off my alarm and slowly started getting out of bed. I wait for moment until I have enough energy, I fix my bed then went to take a quick shower. I put on a white t-shirt with ripped blue jeans, I really didn't want to look out of place or being picked on for my outfit so I just went simple. I went downstairs to see my mom made pancakes, I grabbed a plate and got two piece of pancakes.

"So, are you ready for your first day of school?"

"No not really, its been a while since I talk to anyone besides Zak and Dave."

"Well I hope you can make new friends. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Zak and Dave are actually soon be going to your school, they just need to find a house they want."

"That's cool, well I should get going, bye mom, see you after school." I wave goodbye to my mom before going through the front door. The school is actually nearby so might as well walk over there.

I was two blocks away from school until I bump to a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He looks like 9th grader, he had a small bee plush in his arms.

"Oh s-sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Its fine, no need to be sorry, my name is Clay, what's yours?" I took out my hand from my pockets and stuck it out for him to shake my hand.

"My name is Toby, but I rather be called Tubbo." He shook my hand and he seem like a nice kid.

"So are you waiting for someone or why were you distracted?" I tilted my head abit to see if I can get a answer from him.

"Oh ya, I am waiting for my friend Tomathy, but he likes being called Tommy." After he said that, a blond head boy, with blue eyes and has braces on, runs to my direction.

"Hey Tubbo, who is this?" The blond head boy said, he looks like he is about to fight me. I walk one step backwards holding my hands up.

"Calm down Tommy, his name is Clay, I accidentally bump to him. I believe he is the new student, we should show him around," Tubbo said with excitement.

Tommy sighed, no one can argue with Tubbo. "Fine but we should hurry up if we want to show him around."

We walk to school together, after awhile, we were trying to find my locker until I accidentally bump to another boy. Why am I bumping to alot of people today?

I feel backwards and took a moment to gain what just happened.

"Hey are you ok?"

I look up to see a boy with brown hair, with a rich chocolate brown eyes, he had glasses on his head so its interesting how a boy is able to wear clout glasses.

"Ya, Im fine, I was just trying to find my locker." He gave me hand and helped me getting up. But I realized he had a bracelet that looks like George's. Wait....

"Wait what's you name?" I said staring at the shorter boy.

"Oh, my name is George." My eyes widen and tears fell down my face. I hugged George so tight, George was confuse what was happening.


It took a while for George to put the puzzle pieces together. Then he realized this person was Clay, his childhood friend that would stay by his side. Both George and Clay got flashbacks when they were younger.


-*George's POV*-

I was crying since some kids made fun of me for my accent and they were beating me up. Then I ran to a tree at the corner of the field, barely any kids are there and it was far away for anyone to see him.

Then after a while, I heard someone coming closer. I was scared if it was one of the kids from earlier, I curled up like if it will help me to hide away whoever it was.

"Hey are you ok?" I looked up to see a boy with green eyes, some freckles on his cheeks, and with brown but blondish hair.

"O-Oh hey Clay..... Ya Im fine, just want to be alone."

"George, I saw earlier what happened, you cant lie from me. I am going to beat up those kids that made fun of you."

"No its ok, just sit next to me. Please?" George really wants some company right now.

"Fine but only because you said so."

They both sat there for a while until George was feeling better.

*Another Flashback*

I was in a cat costume and Clay a werewolf.

"MOM I DON'T WANT WEAR THIS" I scream at my parents for making me wear such a embarrassing outfit.

"I think its cute" Clay said trying to hold in his laughter.

"Oh shut up, you have a cooler outfit," I folded my arms. Clay then got a idea.

"Ya I do because I can sneak on people and do this," Clay jumped on me and started tickling me. I was crying of laughter and pain.

"CLAY STOP THAT," I screamed and my parents were laughing at me. Best parents of year.

Clay then stop and we started chatting until my parents were ready to take me and Clay to go Trick-or-Treating.

*Flashbacks Ends*


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