𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 :𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞

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So ever since Alec proposed to me everything in the house been pretty awkward

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So ever since Alec proposed to me everything in the house been pretty awkward. From the girls always crying or looking sad to the guys going silent whenever I'm around. And honestly, it's making me feel bad and like an outsider. I thought they'd be happy or at least accepting of my decision.

And Jesse....well he's taking it pretty bad or at least I think. He won't even talk to me or look at me. He practically ignores me. The only time we talk is when it's something about the girls or a casual excuse me, thank you.

Now normally, in this case, I would have moved in with Alec, but because of the girls I told him once we get married, I'll leave. And we still have some wedding planning to do so....yeah.

Today Stephanie has a honeybee honey drive with the honeybee troops, but sadly I was invited to help...she asked Joey so I'm just sitting in my office at work going through boring paperwork.

"Dr. Huxtable they're ready for you, " Amy, one of my colleagues said as I walked out of my office.

Today we were having a press conference that was going to be on live television and to say that I'm not nervous would be a lie. I don't do television, but this is work so I can't chicken out.

As I walked into the press conference and up onto the podium I felt like I could vomit right now. And also sad since I wish the guys and girls would have been here especially now.

I guess I really messed up.

"And now our head physician Dr. Samantha Huxtable will speak, " my boss said as chewed on my nails.

"O..Okay...oh...um...hey....I mean good evening...
or morning...., " I stuttered nervously.

"I am here to talk about AIDs/HIV and how it's affected all of San Francisco and California. Now I could say it only affects us, but it affects everyone. Homosexuals, heterosexuals, children, everyone. Children and everyone else can get it from a blood-contaminated transfusions or intravenous drug users sharing needles. So please stop with the hate and cruelty to the LGBTQ community because we are all going through this disease and it can get any of us so please have safe sex, say no to drugs, and check with your doctors for more information especially about the blood transfusions and treatment. No further questions thank you. " I said as I looked into the camera with fear and nervousness in my eyes.

Once I was done I ran back into my office and locked the door.

"I embarrassed myself, oh my guacamole, " I cried out as I paced back and forth crying.

Hours later I left work and went home.

And once I arrived saw Joey and Jesse building something.

"Wow no hey Samatha how was your day, " I yelled angrily.

"Hey, Samatha how was your day?" Joey asked as I frowned.

"The worst day ever....I embarrassed myself on live television, " I cried as I hugged Joey.

"Awww it's okay Samatha, " Joey said rubbing my back.

"You know...you give out good warm hugs Joey, " I said still hugging him.

"What all happened?" Joey asked as we broke away from the hug.

"Well, I had a press conference which I thought you all would be at. And I got nervous, started to stutter, and it felt like I was gonna puke. Epic fail and hopefully, I don't get fired, " I said plopping down on the couch as the boys continued to build.

The guys then filled me in on what happened today with Danny and Ms.Linda, Stephanie's honeybee troop leader. And how the girls didn't want him to go out with her, but Danny really wants to. And honestly, I think he should. Pam would want him too. The girls are just being stubborn, but this phase will end soon.

"Do you guys wanna come with dad and us for ice cream?" Dj asked as she and Stephanie came out of the kitchen.

"Uh, girls we have a better idea," Joey said.

"Yeah, why don't we take you girls out for ice cream so your daddy can go to that art exhibit?" Jesse suggested as I nodded my head in agreement while eating a chocolate chip cookie.

"Because that idea stinks. Right, Steph?" Dj said as she turned to Stephanie who looked confused.

"Maybe, who knows? I've been confused all day." Stephanie admitted.

I knew it. Stephanie doesn't really care about Danny going on the date really because she doesn't understand, but Dj is having a hard time with it and doesn't want Danny to go out on the date.

"Look, I know you're worried about your dad dating again but I think I know how you feel," Joey said.

"How would you know, " Dj said as I thumped her.

"Don't be smart missy, " I whispered in her ear.

"Well...You see, I was only six when my parents got divorced and I wasn't very happy when my mom started to date again. Well, my grandma used to come and babysit and she used to pinch my cheeks so hard.., " Joey said as he went over and pinched Jesse's cheek.

"Just tell the story will ya huh, " Jesse said exhausted.

"Anyway, I got used to my mom dating again and she was much happier because she wasn't so lonely," Joey said.

"You think dad's lonely?" DJ asked frowning.

"Honey we don't think we know. Just think about it as a parent and widow his main concern now is you, girls. And he is human. He needs to talk to someone other than us in this house. He needs to mingle. And that doesn't mean you guys will have a new mommy or anything like that. It just means your dad is going on a date. And if you love him you would want him to be happy and not lonely. " I said to the girls.

"I want dad to be happy, " Dj said.

"I do too. Come on DJ, let's go talk to daddy." Stephanie said as they both agreed and left out the room.

"Alright so who's up for some delicious club sandwiches, " I suggested.

"Yeah, " both Jesse and Joey said as Joey and I walked into the kitchen to make the sandwiches. But we stooped once we saw Jesse stuck.

"Coming master, " Joey teased.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm uh....Yes, of course, I'm coming." Jesse said picking up the whole playhouse he built Michelle.

"Nice suit, " Joey said making me laugh.

"Did you get that from a realtor because I just love the color, " I teased laughing as I went into the kitchen?


"Awe look at you going on your first date in so long, he's growing up guys, " I teased Danny.

"Thanks, Samatha, but theirs something we all want to talk to you about, " Danny said.

"What, " I asked confused.

"We're sorry about how we've been acting about your engagement... it's just....we all thought it would be different, but no matter what your family and we want to support you no matter what so will you accept our apology," Danny said making me smile.

"Well duh, I have to now...that was so nice and I'm glad to have you guys by me rather than you being against me," I said as I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Now enough crying and apologies. Danny go out on your date, don't do anything I wouldn't, enjoy yourself, be home by 3:00 or else Michelle will have a fit." I said with a smile as I said hi to Linda.

"If you kiss her here is this, " I whispered in Danny's ear as I put son breath spray in his pocket.

And then I winked as I walked away laughing.

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