𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥

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"Guys okay it's storming pretty bad I think we should call it a night, " I said to everyone in our meeting since it was storming pretty bad and I needed to get home

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"Guys okay it's storming pretty bad I think we should call it a night, " I said to everyone in our meeting since it was storming pretty bad and I needed to get home.

"Okay see ya, Dr.Huxtable, " one of my co-workers said as I said good night to them. I quickly grabbed my binder and bag and ran out into the rain which was now drenching everything from my hair to my pumps. Which by the way I got off of a sale but I still spent a good penny on.

"Dammit, " I said as I got into my car and tried to start it up. But it wouldn't crank up. Making me pissed off.

"No no no please not now, " I cried out trying to still start my car up much to no avail. Okay in maybe there's something in the hood thingy. Dammit, I knew I should have learned about cars more.

I got out of the car and opened the hood of my car which didn't do much for me until I saw the smoke I think.

"Yeah I definitely should have learned about cars, " I said to myself and turned around to see only myself on the hospital lot beside the janitor and so I went back inside the hospital to call Alec to come to get me and then called for someone to come get my car.

I waited for at least 15 minutes and once Alec arrived I got into his car and we talked mostly with me thanking him for coming to get me for the rest of the car ride.

Alec is so sweet I mean who the hell would drive 15 minutes away to come to get someone besides there parents, grandparents, and family I guess.

Eventually, we arrived at my house, and well since I know the girls and the boys are most likely see I invited Alec inside for some hot chocolate even though it's not winter. But come on hot chocolate with marshmallows are delicious really.

"Okay Alec your gonna have to be quiet don't want to wake up the whole house, " I whispered as I unlocked the front door to see everyone up making me jump and try to turn around to push Alec out the house but that didn't happen because of my precious, lovely, goddaughter Stephanie.

"Aunt Sammy you're home....and I think you brought someone, " Stephanie said making everyone turn around to see me and Alec as I shyly smiled.

"Wow Steph...you couldn't lie I mean I was rooting for you, " I said nervously as I came inside.

"Hey guys I'm home and um....this is...Alec my friend—, " I said before I stopped and looked at Alec who looked offended by me calling him my friend.

"Okay I reworded that wrong um....Alec's my boy..friend yeah boyfriend, " I confessed to everyone nervously as everyone looked surprised.

"Oh no Uncle Jesse's gonna flip, " I hear DJ whisper to Danny who looked shocked but calm.

"Okay um nice to meet you Alec, sorry it's at a very very bad and wrong time I'm Danny, " Danny said as he and Alec shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Danny, I already heard a lot about you, in fact, all of you. Samantha does talk about you guys a lot, " Alec said as I smiled shyly and made eye contact with Jesse who looked completely livid and so I looked at the ground.

"Well she haven't talked much about yo—, " Jesse tried to say before I took off my shoe and stomped my foot on Jesse's foot.

"Okay girls time for bed nice to meet you, Alec and Jesse you should talk with Joey and come to some understanding, " Danny said as the girls went upstair. And went to talk with Jesse and Joey so I quietly snuck Alec into the kitchen and made him a to-go cup of my secret delicious double marshmallow hot chocolate.

"Okay so thanks for the drive over, I'll make it up to you. Make you some dinner, maybe even go catch a movie or play, " I said as I handed Alec the hot chocolate.

"I'm just fine with your company Samatha besides how about we go to this African art exhibit." Alec suggested as I nodded my head.

"Sure that sounds amazing, " I said with a smile.

"Okay i'll call you, " Alec said as he then kissed me on my lips which felt like forever. It wasn't until I felt that I needed some air to breathe did we break apart.

"Good night, " I said as I shut the back door and when I turned around I saw both Danny and Jesse looking with Jesse looking sad.

"Oh come on I need love to you know. Jesse has a girl in this house almost every day and Danny your mourning but you had plenty of chances to bring someone in here and Joey...well he's trying okay and everyone likes a guy with a sense of humor, " I rambled.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone and just go to bed, " Danny said as he left out the room patting my shoulder.

"So...he's something, " Jesse said as I sat down at the table.

"Yeah...so..., " I said as I played with my fingers.

"I...I...you know I care about you Samantha and I want you to be happy...but I don't like him...something just isn't sitting well with me, " Jesse said as I looked up at him.

"Is it the fact that he's not you that's gig ing you a problem?" I said finally.

"No I'm just saying this as your friend, " Jesse said as I angrily laughed.

"Really because if you were being my friend you wouldn't be judging Alec and you don't even know him. All you know about Alex is that we went to college together and he's an architect." I said angrily.

"That's not—, " Jesse said before I cut him off.

"Jesse you cheated on me. How am I supposed to feel? Really I loved you and I gave you every part of me but it wasn't enough! I have not once let my emotions get the best of me to judge those girls you bring in this house. I put on a smile and act like I'm fine when really I..I..I'm...., " I said before incut myself off for saying too much.

"When you really what Samatha, " Jesse asked me as he walked over to me. Trying to touch me but I moved away. Knowing I will crack and say something.

"It doesn't even matter Jesse, I'm going to bed, " I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes leaving Jesse alone in the kitchen.

What a storm I guess?

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