𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧-𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐭𝐜𝐡, 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 1

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"Dr. Huxtable, what are you doing this weekend?" Rose my co-worker asked while I was to busy thinking about which cake flavor I wanted. French vanilla or French buttercream. Like seriously aren't they like the same thing. Ugh, this is too much.

"Hello, Samatha did you hear a word I just said, " Rose ased getting me out my train of thought as chewed at my fingernail thinking of what she said.

"Umm yeah—no I really didn't I'm sorry, " I admitted with a slight frown.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Rose laughed.

"Nothing but wedding planning, and I'm getting seriously annoyed over it. And now I wish I could go to Disneyland with the guys, " I pouted as I laid my head down.

"Awe poor Sammy, how about you cancel all your plans this weekend and we go out," Rose suggested as I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Out where, " I asked while laughing.

"Out clubbing, dancing, drinking, I don't know, but something to get your panties out of a bunch," Rose said making me cover my mouth and laugh.

"Okay first of all I'm okay, and Nah it can't happen because my wicked witch of a soon-to-be mother-in-law has been up my ass for the last month about this wedding," I said sadly as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, you could always lie, " Rose suggested.

"I can't do that...it would be wrong, " I said crossing my arms.

"The Samatha Huxtable I know would lie and go live her life because just think your about to get married shit changes after that, but it looks like your changing before that, " Rose said making me think. Have I really changed? I thought everything was fine. I am acting the same. Well not really since I don't go out that much with friends and am always with my soon-to-be mother-in-law. Maybe I should go. Besides this will help get my mind off of things.

"Screw it I'm in, " I said as Rose hugged me tightly .

"You're cutting off my circulation, " I mumbled as she let me go.

The rest of the day consisted of me working productively, sort of, luckily today I was done with work early and so I spent the rest of the day with Rose shopping at the mall. And it didn't help that the shoe store had a sale and I couldn't miss that so my day mostly consisted of me buying heels lots and lots of heels on sale. And then I saw these jeans and I couldn't resist trying them on and it didn't help that Rose egged me on with the idea that the jeans brought out my curves and so yeah I brought them and a couple of shirts and dresses.

By the time we were done, I literally spent $110.00 and I almost fainted. We then went out for lunch at Lorenzo's Place and had drinks and pasta.

"Samantha I gotta be honest with you...I never thought I'd see you getting married, I mean one your so young, and two...I actually kinda thought you were stuck on that one guy you dated Jesse." Rose said making me cough while drinking my wine.

"Um...wow this is strong...but hey I'm happy so..yep, " I said as I drank some more of my wine.

"How are the girls taking this, " Rose asked.

"They're good they seem happy for me, " I said drinking so more.

"Samatha I'm a psychologist kid have a funny way of showing how they feel about situations and in your case, they're hiding it just how your hiding your emotions," Rose said looking at me.

"Great we're off the job but your not trying to relax, " I said as I gulped down the rest of the wine I had.

"Hey, it's my job to know how people feel, their emotions, and mental state. I may be off the job but the job is always there and I see signs of what's going on with you, " Rose said as I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"Okay Doctor tell me what the hell is wrong with me, " I said angrily.

"You in denial. You don't want to get married. Especially not to Alec, when your not as attracted to him as you are to someone else possibly your ex- Jesse who is your godchildren's uncle. But you said yes to Alec's proposal only because you thought you needed different. He is different and makes you happy. But I'm sorry to tell you this, but love works mysteriously, you can find Alec attractive but tell me do you want kids with him, do you want to grow old with him, do you see yourself happy with him?" Rose said making me agitated.

"Okay I had it check, please. I'm done with this thanks for the company but don't talk to me about something you don't know. And your not my damn psychologist so stop acting like it doctor, " I said as I paid for my meal got my thing, and left.

How dare she try to act like she knows my situation. Yes I love Alec, yes I wasn't to have kids with him, and yes he makes me happy.

I will be happy with Alec I know it so that's the end of the discussion.

I drove home just in time to see the guy's car here even though they were supposed to be at Disneyland.

"That's strange, " I said as I paked my car got out with my things then opened the door to see everyone on the couch and also a unfamiliar girl.

"Hey Samatha meet Samatha, " Joey said as I looked at her then at Joey and then Jesse. I then just laughed and shook my head.

"Hey you okay, " Danny asked.

"I'm fine, just peachy....on second thought I wanna break something no I'm not fine, nothing is fine. You guys are happy sing if your happy and you know it clap your hands while I'm not happy and the girls seem happy I'm getting married, Michelle has seems happy with my replacement new Samatha, I just don't know anymore, " I said frowning sadly.

"Um actually she's Jesse's new girlfriend, " DJ said as I turned to look at Jesse and Samatha.

I laughed angrily and said, " Looks like you gotta type for Samantha's huh." I then stomped my way up to my room shut my door and locked it.

"Why am I'm crying and angry when I'm getting married this is bullshit. I have no right to be mad, " I said crying into my pillow.

Eventually crying myself to sleep.

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