𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨: 𝐃𝐉 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐎𝐟𝐟

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"Rise and shine buttercup, " Jesse whispered in my ear as I got up stretching before looking around in my room seeing clothes scattered everywhere before looking at Jesse and then under the covers to see I was naked

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"Rise and shine buttercup, " Jesse whispered in my ear as I got up stretching before looking around in my room seeing clothes scattered everywhere before looking at Jesse and then under the covers to see I was naked.

"How...wha...I thought it was a dream, " I said wiping my eyes.

"Well...it wasn't...did you enjoy it, " Jesse asked as I covered my face in embarrassment.

"Why ask a question you already know the answer too, " I asked.

"Because I wanna hear you say it, " Jesse said attacking me with kisses all over my face, neck, and chest making me laugh while trying to swat him away.

"Jesse, " I laughed as Jesse laid on top of me.

"What, " Jesse said kissing me making me smile.

"Get off of me your crushing my organs, " I lied fake pouting.

"Aw they don't feel crushed to me, " Jesse said feeling my stomach before tickling me making me bust out start laughing.

I kicked my legs in the air as Jesse tickled me.

"Hey stop before the girls or Danny comes in, " I yelled as Jesse reluctantly stopped.

"Okay I'll stop, but only because I really just wanted to kiss you, " Jesse said kissing me as I smiled some giving in to the kiss not realizing Danny was calling for us downstairs.

"Jesse...Jess, we have to stop Danny's calling, " I said in between the kiss.

"Make him wait, " Jesse said continuing to kiss me.

"Well yeah I would but did you forget I'm naked so what if he comes up here, " I questioned as Jesse got up.

"Okay, your right I'll be downstairs get dressed Sam because today is just gonna be you and me and a night on the town," Jesse said as he got up and happily left out my room.

I then looked around my room to see the mess me and Jesse made before rubbing my head and getting into the shower, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed.

And once done I went into Jesse's room to see he was writing a song just as DJ came to his room too all while I just sat their listening to him.

"What do you think, " Jesse asked as I froze and thought about it.

"It's a work in progress that will eventually be spectacular, " I said with enthusiasm.

"I loved it, " DJ said as I looked over at her.

"Really, " both me and Jesse asked before looking at each other laughing a little.

"I could be wrong, " Jesse said making me shake my head while continuing to eat my chocolate bar.

"I think you're so talented. You're charming, good-looking, funny. Great head of hair." DJ said as I looked at her suspiciously.

"Hey, why the big fat lie and compliments, " I questioned her as Jesse said , " Yeah what do you want? By the way whatever you want you got it."

Making me pinch him.

"Can I interview you? I have an essay to do on the person I admire most. And, of course, I picked you." DJ said making me look at her.

Really she picked Jesse.

"Wow okay ignore your godmother that loves, feeds, cares, and cleans for you more than him no offense I still love you but hey okay just forget about me, " I said while looking at DJ and kissing Jesse's cheek.

But it all went through one ear and out the other since Jesse fell for what DJ was doing and sat there telling all about his childhood and him being a rebel and ditching school to see the Rolling Stones and asked like he was sick before leaving us alone as we continued with him writing music and me playing around with him before things lead to other stuff...

And come that next morning I made a huge decision to call Alec andaked him to come to the house so we could talk.

"So how are you, you've been ignoring my calls for days...I thought I was your fiancee. " Alec said as I just smiled before looking down and playing with the  engagement ring Alec gave men.

"Alec...um...I love you...I love you a lot...and I'll forever cherish you..., but I did something so wrong and it goes against everything I believe in, " I said nervously.

"Like what...you cursed out my mother, " Alec asked as I shook my head no.

"Absolutely not I'm not that disrespectful unless you're disrespectful to me, " I answered as I grabbed a cookie and nibbled on it.

"I cheated on you, " I mumbled while chewing on the cookie.

"Wait huh I couldn't hear you, " Alec said as I frowned.

"I cheated on you, " I mumbled while chewing on the cookie.

"Samatha I'm going to need you to stop chewing and speak more clearer, " Alec said laughing as I gulped and I've swallowed the cookie.

"I cheated on you Alec, " I said as Alec just sat there not saying or doing anything making me worried.

"With who?" Alec asked seriously as I began to bite at my fingernails.

"I didn't mean to but it happened and the feelings been there but I could always control them but he was there and we sang together and it felt right as if we belonged and I'm sorry, " I clobbered off trying to explain myself.

"It's Jesse isn't it, " Alec asked as I nodded my head.

"I don't understand how you continue to settle for less and keep going back to him. Mind you this is the same guy who cheated on you several times and even left you to go be apart of a band but what did you do you took him back...dammit Samatha sometimes I just wonder are you dumb or stupid, " Alec said making me pissed off.

"Okay now wait one damn minute buttsniffer....Samantha is far from dumb and stupid okay she a whole doctor that's all I have to say about that. Now I'm not the best and I've made mistakes that I'll always regret but I love Samatha and I've always had. But then you came around and because of you I stopped trying to get her back, but then I know her. I know how she thinks, how she feels, hell I know more about her body than probably anybody and this woman is everything to me and so much more. Now I'm sorry she cheated, but I'm not sorry for kissing and sleeping with her because I got back the one thing that I did let get away, " Jesse said busting through the living room before looking angrily at Alec.

"Alec here's your ring back and you can go now...also screw you asshole, " I said handing Alec his ring back as he just looked up at me and laughed as he walked to the door and I slammed it into his face.

"Are you okay, " Jesse asked hugging me.

"Yeah....you were right...he's such a mamas boy buttsniffer, " I said hugging Jesse still.

"Well if it makes you feel better I'm not a buttsniffer, " Jesse said making me laugh before kissing him.

"Yeah but...you are the Elvis to my Priscilla."

Okay guys this is the last episode of season on from Full House and now I'm going to work on my Bridgerton Fanfic and once done with that I'll continue into season two. Fill free to check out my other books though. Bye.

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