The Caretaker

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"God, how could I have been so stupid?" Lyra whispered, mulling over her realization.

"What are talking about?" Hermoine asked, overhearing.

Lyra closed in to them, paling at what she needed to say. "Okay, I- ... can I trust you two with a secret? No one can know— well, he might know soon enough but, you two have to promise me that you will tell no one?"

"Scout's honor~" Hermoine pledged, with a warm smile.

Ron looked over his shoulder, mainly at the Twins down the way, yet it looked like they were safe in their own little bubble. Lyra's eyes scaled down to her ring for a second as she took a biscuit from the bowl nearby and chewed, nervously.

"I know I had just met you, but I must speak my mind. I am not accustomed to having friends, besides our elf. When I was younger. I was about eight years old, Prince would never let me out of the house. Granted, I was turning into kind of a brat back then... So, I thought it would be fine one morning if I just went to the park myself. It was the only recreation we had. He used to take me all the time. Then one day, when he began to work, we never went again." Lyra explained. "He made it abundantly clear that I was to never be without him outside the house. I figured that it would be fine as long as I took good care of myself, to prove that I was capable of it. However, that did not go well."

"What happened...?" Ronald asked, looking a little frightened.

Hermoine cringed at the possibility. "Do not tell me you got the — ?"

"Oh, heavens, no... Prince is not like that at all. No! Though, to me, it was probably much worse. He discovered a shoe print I left on the carpet... A detail I overlooked entirely, I was stupid. I did not realize how much it meant to him. I thought he was doing it to be unfair, but that was never the reason at all. I lost his trust that day. Since then I started to count my blessings."

As soon as she said that, she showed them the main headline and began to read it.
"Diagon Alley was closed down. So soon after we just went there for my school things, my wand, the works! And lately, like yesterday, he's very worried and very protective right now. So I do not think this is just some coincidence. Lately, my Mark has been itching and burning..."

Hermoine took the paper and read it through for herself, suffering that same sinking feeling.

"Absolutely not." she spoke with a gasp. "Who do you suppose these people are?"

"I do not know exactly. Quite honestly, Prince has right to be how he is. Because, I told you about Quirrell, right?"

"Yes..." "And to think that making first impressions was frightening," Ronald shook his head before trying to distract himself by downing some smoked sausage. "You do not think they'd come here to Hogwarts?"

"Well..." Lyra bit down on her lip in consuming thought. "This is something we should bring to our teachers. Perhaps Professor Dumbledore?"

"I do not think we need to worry too much~" Hermoine began. "He, McGonagall and Prince are keeping this castle well hidden, as far as I've read about this castle's secrets~"

"That is what I keep hearing," Lyra chuckled. "... okay. Maybe I am looking too much into it."

"You believe in your Sire." Hermoine reassured. "Everything will be all right."

"I certainly hope so, Hermoine. Because I would do anything for him to trust me again."

She then felt calmer enough to drink down some Pumpkin juice from her goblet.

"Hands down, he will trust you again." Hermoine continued on, helping herself to a pastry as she turned the pages of her book.

"You sound so sure of that." Lyra eyed her as she continued to scribble a definition down.

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