Princely Apprehension

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Be Welcomed by the Winged Hog
Never Let a head go Fog
Enter Wise, Old and Young
Be Led by a Potioneer
Never go alone and near

Never a Fear
These Written Words
Shall lead you through the World and Out
Never Need to Leer

This Winged Hog Warted, Aged and Wise
Shall Lead You Long and Well ~

In  the midst of all the wistfulness and welcome, even for a set of golden  crowns set in the grounds, there was one in particular who was not  celebrating. Oddly, he felt watched, and even though he completed one of  his first lectures of the year, he was anxious as a rabbit in spring.  It was the fidgety little man wearing the completely stuck out purple  turban and he was peering around a corner, like a hidden black cat.  Indeed, he was very same chap back at the pub and Hagrid caught him in  his peripheral as soon as the spectacle had been drawn to a close with  the students beginning to disperse back into their routine. Professor  Quirinus Quirrell was a very suspicious person. It was a feeling he was  often accustomed to, unfortunately. So far, his sole targets were merely  several feet away, conducting this fool's errand. The girl, among her  gaggle, was so blissfully unaware and happy with this new life ahead of  her. Just as he was warned before, she was guarded well and harshly by  that ever vigilant Raven. That moment back at the pub was, overall,  regretful. That nasty brood of protectiveness he spied in the dark  wizard's eyes was warning enough. Lo, how he was always nearby, despite  being unseen. He was so close yet he was so far, as a gifted wizard who  was in no way a fool. Without a doubt, he was aware that this Raven had  his eye focused on his every move, which has led him to consider  different routes to carry out this plan.

As meant to be, the usual  schedules went on as intended with spirits risen with this fun explore  being placed among them. Quirrel watched Lyra and her close two soon  make their way down the corridor. He quickly hid in the nearest alcove,  close enough to listen in.

"It's all a game, it is. Bet it's a ruse to get us to know the castle more." Hermoine began, with eagerness.

"I  would love to explore this place. It's so vast! Since we both only had  one class to start with, we have some time today!" Lyra poked even  further.

"Best we begin at the Library! Although, perhaps we  should stay a bit discreet~" Hermoine continued to ramble as they passed  by that alcove, not suspecting a thing. That was until Prince came  close by soon after in order to make his way back to his office in the  dungeons. Prince felt and read a presence by him and he put a pause to  his step whilst keeping a soft gaze on the trio ahead for only a moment.  Quirrel kept himself deathly quiet... Even for a moment, Lyra noticed a  keen, chilling sting went down her arm and back, which had caused her to  pause. It was something that did not go unnoticed by Professor Prince  as he passed that alcove. Brisk, with the precision of a predator, he  turned into it, catching tightly onto a shoulder. In broad daylight, he  had caught the rat before he scampered away.

"Aren't you in a  hurry, Quirrel?" Prince softened his snaked tone, keeping the absurd  turban-wearing hermit pinned against the stone with a single arm.

"Professor Prince! I-I-I was just on my way to the c-c-cer-ceremony —" stuttered the DADA Professor, rather pathetically.

"Narrowly  missed, Professor. Do not be so coy with me. We both remember that  little stunt you pulled at the Leaky Cauldron." Prince seethed through  his teeth. "One more glance... a single breath, any toe out of line, you  will rue the very day you were born."

At that, the slithery man  was then silenced, not taking his eyes off Prince's stony ones. Daring  him to say anything more than a shaky breath, the Potion's Master eased  back, dangerously staring him down before flowing out of the alcove,  vanishing without a trace, it would seem.

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