First Branching

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"There will be a point in your lives that he will find her-"

"Don't!"  Severus broke off the elder. "Don't you dare say that she belongs to  him~ Just as I once was — No! For once in this brilliant life, I am not  living on your word, nor anyone else's. My life had always been hung on a  string and because of that I lost the one true friendship I've had... all  because that you plainly turned your head to ignore what was happening  directly under your nose!"

"Severus... Your soul is  inflamed," Dumbledore shakily sighed, coming around his desk toward the  livid Potions Master who kept his left arm hidden beneath his cloak.

"Headmaster."  Severus addressed with his dark eyes sharp and glittering. "You  intended to throw her on the doorstep of the woman who detests the very  mention of magical blood. Her husband, even more so... They would have  butchered her to the point of her becoming an Obscurial."

"Being  her only blood relatives, protection would have been set over the  home's vicinity. Not much gain in that. You and I have never seen eye to  eye and that is fairly understandable, Severus. Your anger is, to be  fair, justified. Your passion and vigor had grown stronger since you  have broken away, thus opening up to a whole new possibility that I  cannot battle. "

"What has been created between her and I  is strictly not at your disposal to use for the 'Greater Good', Albus."  Severus remained steadfast. "I will never allow it... We. Belong. To. No  one."

No One~

Names  felt just as powerful as spells and it was a concept that plagued her  dreams that night with yet another vision. One where her guardian's  voice was livid and dangerous... Once again, she wasn't able to see  anything, which was the one thing she hated in these dreams. This time,  it was in the middle of the night and she found her heart pounding too  hard for her to fall back to sleep, so she got out of her bed. Careful  to not make noise, Lyra (as she had to keep reminding herself) went to  Prince's bedroom that was only across the narrow hallway. Her light  creaks on the floor roused her Guardian just enough for him to turn over  slightly, confused.

"Lass." he deeply yawned, his voice still sounding exhausted. "It's deep into the night."

"I... Sir, I had another bad dream." she cooed while standing still at the door.

Giving  a gruff sigh as he sat up, Prince waved her to come to him and she did.  Hearing that actually rose his heartbeat to a loud hum, secretly,  considering circumstances.

"Tell me," he requested, quiet. "... are you all right?"

"You  were protecting me from someone... I think, but I couldn't see you. You  sounded so upset that you were almost yelling. No matter how hard I  tried, I couldn't find you, sir." she tried to explain as best she could  to the point that she was truly scared at the fact. "You said something  like I could have become... an Ob-cur-ious?" the girl tried to pronounce  it.

His face was still and very unreadable as he studied her eyes  as she explained. Feeling her shiver, he searched his bedside table  covered in vials and picked one out of the many. It was a light pepper  up and she knew to drink it down. These dreams, at first, came off as  odd to him, but as time wore on, it began to make sense. When he was  told she was bound to him since that night, there was a literal bond...  and once in a while, she would be able to see memories of his own in her  dreams. It was not to be mistaken with a Seer's abilities, because it  was only his own intense memories rising from the grave, as it were. The  one way to not frighten her further was to take it all with a grain of  salt.

"There now, do not let these dreams curve your own judgment  in the waking world simply because of the fear they instill in you." he  replied. "They are remnants of the past~ which are all gone from us, yet  they can hold clues to answers at the worst of times."

The Tale of the Black Knight: The MarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora