Platform Nine and Three Quarters

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When the obsidian locked onto emerald, it was the last thing she caught before he had to spirit away again. There was a graceful flash, and from deep black flew a drape of the finest violet she had ever seen into the fine morning air like a rubber band being shot straight up. Lyra honestly stared into the skies for a moment, but Prince was already gone from their sights. But just as he said, she had to be sure of herself if the days were going to grow tougher. He was sure in her self confidence, and so she had to believe the same. Very soon she would see him and even now, she was not being set off on her own.

Hagrid was an interesting creature as it became even stranger when they returned to the old pub. Her stomach dropped again, recalling the turban-wearing one who outright called her out before.

"There, there, y'wouldn't be wantin' to go on late, would ya?" Hagrid warmly asked as he kept the door open for her.

"Thank you!" she smiled, sprinting right on in.

"I say it's time for a meal~" he suggested, setting her case down by a thick table. "We 'ave only an hour and a half before y'gone off. Best to keep yer wits about or he will have me head on a platter,"

Hearing that made Lyra's stomach grumble, despite the endless questions filling her mind. As it was usual. She chuckled, taking her seat across from him. It was a shock that he was able to fit in the booth.

"Thank you, for taking me today, sir-"

"Ah-nah worries, an' by the way, call me 'Agrid."

Lyra was then greeted with such a bright smile that was absolutely contagious. Seeing her smile was something that touched the Giant, touched deeply by the girl's shared optimism. Which was a rare gem to find during times like this. Now that arrangements were underway, this was a good time to know her a little more. At least to a certain degree because there will be plenty of more time for that. Considering the sensitive situation she was in with the professor, he knew exactly what to do should a shady situation should happen here. The first thing was first, the lass must have been hungry after all the worry and strife. It was obvious that Prince had certain regulations set for her because it seemed that was waiting for permission to speak, at first. Until he nodded though.

"Aye, don' be 'fraid now."

"I'm not, Hagrid," she replied, with a shred of relief. "Actually, I know you know him... He trusts you."

It was a shocking fact because Prince hardly trusted anyone with her, none at all. With her especially.

"It be quite the novel, I'd wager~ but perhaps I's speak too much. I take it ya still hun'ry fer a bit o' chowder. We 'ave only two hours til y'off yer way."

The pub had a different air about it, a lot so since she was with Prince at Diagon. No one was around really, except them. It was quiet with the small tune of a lute playing off somewhere. It honestly made her eyes droop, it was so relaxing.

"Yes, Hagrid... That does sound good." she answered, although feeling a little distant as she was admiring the silver band on her finger. Honestly, it felt like it had a heat to it.

"Anythin' botherin', lass?" Hagrid worried a little.

"Oh, I'm not supposed to say much. He was really... serious about it."

"Aye, I's know that well too. Perhaps I shan't spea' too much on it."

Lyra peered over her shoulder for a second before sighing while dwelling in thoughts. "Things are so different now. I do not know what to make of it yet." she smiled a half lit smile, fondly looking back for a moment. "Yeah, um..." Lyra was relieved when two wood bowls had come magically to their table in mid air. "... I am a little hungry,"

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